The Week in Review starts tomorrow

09.7.2007 by André Natta · → Leave a comment

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The staff is about to volunteer their time down at Artwalk this evening, both for the festival as well as serving as a street team both tonight and tomorrow. There will be a recap of the days events beginning at 10 p.m. (yeah, we know it sounds like the big boys on TV). We’ll also be posting stories that didn’t make it on the site this week tomorrow, even though we know that most of you will be watching football (we’ll feel better catching up).

Just a reminder that if you happen to see a couple of folks coming towards you with a “It’s Nice to Have You in Birmingham” shirt on, it’s probably a member of the street team and your chance to win one of those very same t-shirts before we start selling them on the site next week. Keep your eyes open.

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