Category Archives: Alabama

Election ’07: The spotlight’s on Langford

Larry LangfordMany people in the city feel as though the former Jefferson County commission president already has the mayor’s office on the third floor of city hall in downtown Birmingham locked up. Doc’s Political Parlor made this post on August 22 that gave the idea that many believed it was only a matter of waiting for the votes to be tallied on October 9.

Now it appears that the federal government, the Securities and Exchanges Commission in particular, may be looking to put an end to it all. The Birmingham News reports that Mr. Langford’s financial records have been subpoenaed. We’ll just have to wait and see what happens next in this story.

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo

Togas and BBQ (and more) this weekend

There are plenty of things to keep you busy this weekend… so many that we’re going to spend most of the day making sure you know about them whether through our Timetable calendar on our front page and its companion blog. Tonight’s major events are Art on the Rocks at the Museum of Art and Stokin’ the Fire at Sloss Furnaces, both bringing something unique for you this weekend.

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The Countdown: T-Minus 5 days…

Launch Party Image

A look back: August 24

August 24:

Legendary bassist Oteil Burbridge was born in Washington D. C. in 1964.

– courtesy of BhamWiki

A look back: August 22 & 23

August 22:

Nothing of note. You missed your chance to make history this year 🙁

August 23:

1998: Sun Ra performed at The Nick.

2006: MTV’s “Two-A-Days“, based on Hoover High School football team debuted.

– courtesy of BhamWiki

Today’s my Birmingham writer: Sean Saffle

Head on over to my Birmingham this afternoon and check out Sean Saffle’s submission. It’s definitely something to consider as today we will top 100° again.

CommuteSmarter, not harder

NOTE: If you’d like to submit something for my Birmingham, please check out our submission guidelines and then contact André Natta @


From the Stationmaster: Corrections from yesterday’s Parisian post

Maybe I should say it’s more of a clarification. Yesterday we posted about the Parisian name staying alive in Detroit, MI. I received a couple of emails pointing to the original 2006 press release from Saks Incorporated (which has been inserted into my comment on the article) that listed the locations that existed at that time. We figured we’d deal with some of the questions raised following our guiding principles:

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