Tag Archives: Wild Sweet Orange

Travelogue: Some notes from the Hostess City

Any time that we can get The Bottletree and Wild Sweet Orange in the same post, we consider it a treat as well as a great excuse to stick it on the front page. Birmingham, AL resident Deanne Revel decided to use WSO lead singer Preston Lovinggood and the popular Southside watering hole as the basis for a story posted yesterday on the website of the student newspaper of the Savannah College of Art and Design. Yep, I’m just happy I found a way to get District mentioned on The Hub finally (I’m a former EIC of the paper) 🙂

BTW – Terminally Happy Hour is Thursday, February 5 starting at 5 p.m. at The Bottletree (though you can get there when Happy Hour starts at 3 – we just won’t see you until 5). Appetizers courtesy of The Bottletree and we’re giving away white Terminal Ts. We’ll have all of that invite stuff up tomorrow, so check back.

A Wild Sweet Orange update

For those of you who haven’t ventured to Timetable recently, the band is currently a nominee for this week’s Freshman vote on MTVu – their video for “Either/Or” is currently in 3rd place. You’ve got until noon today to help them take the stage tonight in Birmingham as the winner!

So if you missed them performing last night at The Bottletree, you might want to consider venturing over to WorkPlay this evening for their 8 p.m. performance.

Lights and tradition, and a little boost

Head on over to Timetable and you can check out Terri’s ideas for having fun one evening during the holiday season and Josh’s look at holiday celebrations at one of Birmingham’s historic West Side sites. Plus, you may be able to help the guys from Wild Sweet Orange get into heavy rotation on MTVu. Sounds like a reason to head on over, doesn’t it?

Of course, you could just share your favorite song of the holiday season with everyone over on Magic City Question … maybe…

Wild Sweet Orange’s Letterman appearance postponed to Friday

Those of you preparing to TiVo (or stay awake for) tonight’s performance on The Late Show with David Letterman by local band Wild Sweet Orange, you’ve got to wait just a little longer. Word’s come in that the performance will now take place this Friday.

There’s also word that there will be a release party for the band’s new CD We Have Cause to Be Uneasy over at WorkPlay on Saturday, July 26.

We’d be there ourselves but we’ll be doing something else – and we’ll be announcing that tomorrow morning…