Tag Archives: Weekend plans

It’s back to school time… got plans?

I sure have been enjoying our weather lately. The cool breezes remind me there is hope; Fall does follow summer. There are other reminders that summer is almost over — school bells are ringing, and some of our favorite summertime series, like Art on the Rocks, are coming to an end. But you can always have some fun while saying goodbye. Head over to the Timetable for the details.

Decisions, decisions at the end of the week

It’s that time again. Time when you see the light at the end of the tunnel and realize you’ve survived another week of to-do lists and endless meetings. Only one thing left to do on that to-do list and that’s decide your weekend plans.

So get to it. Here are my suggestions.

It’s never too hot for weekend plans

Whew! Hot enough for you? If we can just make it through August, we’ll have all survived another hot Alabama summer. Well, I not going to let a little thing like heat keep me from enjoying my weekend. And I’m not even going to stay inside with the wonderful A/C. I’m venturing forth. Head over to Timetable to see where.

Still thinking about what to do Saturday huh?

Well duh, Saturday night the Terminal staff is going to be at Bottletree for our concert. We really hope to see everyone there. But that’s just one night which leaves lots of time to fill. Let me shine the light on a few options for you.

And she’s back!

I’m back. After leaving last week’s “Got Plans?” column in the capable hands of guest columnist Carla Jean Whitley, Christina’s back from the beach and once again ready to offer you the best in weekend entertainment. She’s got three things she wishes she could do, two events that do good and, of course, one festival. Head on over on Timetable to find out what they are.

We’ve got a great “Got Plans?” guest blogger this week

Carla Jean Whitley of Birmingham Magazine has graciously stepped in this week to write up this week’s Got Plans? post as Christina enjoys a week off (though we’re not quite sure where – or even if she’s out of town really).

Let’s see what CJ’s got planned for us this week over on Timetable, shall we?

A “Got plans?” primer for the 4th

Sorry guys and gals. I just spent some time adding items to the Terminal calendar, something I need to do more often (Hint, hint: Submit your events, your friends’ events, even stuff you hear about and I’ll do my best to get the info up somewhat quicker than slower). And I had this nagging feeling that I’d forgotten to do something. And then it hit me, I needed to take out the trash. Then I remembered the mayor gave everyone the day off. But not me. I won’t take the day off from telling you about this weekend; read on.