Tag Archives: information

Birmingham’s FINALLY going to run on Dunkin – again

UPDATE: 2.1.2010 – It’s finally opened – in Pelham, AL.

Dunkin Donuts logo - Dunkindonuts.comRemember that post back in August of 2007 when we linked to the BBJ’s story about Dunkin’ Donuts planning to open 72 metro Birmingham locations in the coming years. The market’s been open since early 2008 and this morning they finally took a step towards making it come true.

The Canton, MA-based company signed a multi-unit store development agreement with Birmingham-based RFS, LLC earlier today. The agreement calls for the development of 21 restaurants in the Birmingham market. RFS plans to open its first location in the next 12 months, fulfilling its agreement within the next 5 to 6 years. It will be the first time in years that the metro area has had a Dunkin’ Donuts location.

This isn’t to say you can’t get  Dunkin’ Donuts in the state now – you’d just have to drive to Dothan (they got their first location last month).

Image: Dunkin Donuts logo courtesy of company website.

Writing Today conference cancelled

The 2009 Writing Today Conference that was scheduled to take place this weekend (March 13 & 14) on the campus of Birmingham Southern College was cancelled due to “these uncertain economic times.” The announcement was made yesterday, both via traditional press release and via Birmingham Weekly’s new Twitter profile. As mentioned over on Laura Axelrod’s blog, Gasp!, this is a big deal

The press release states that all registration fees are being refunded in full. For more information on registration refunds, you’re asked to contact Sandy Barr at Birmingham-Southern College by phone at 205.226.4921

On the agenda: delay, delay, delay…

Based on this post on The Birmingham News’ breaking news blog, I’d have to say that today should be an interesting one in Birmingham City Council chambers. The councilors will no doubt have a response to Mayor Langford’s latest campaign. Another thing to watch will be the reaction from councilors to the request being made by residents of the Glen Iris neighborhood that we posted about yesterday

Item 8 is one that could be important to watch as it will be a proposal by the mayor to change the boundaries of the city’s urban enterprise zones. These zones do include large sections on the city’s west side, most notably near the old Ensley Works plant and, interestingly enough, nearby Fair Park. Item 17 asks for approval of a contract with Goodwyn Mills and Cawood, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $2,819,300.00 for work to finally begin on the city’s long promised Intermodal Transit Facility. The money is available from federal sources, though it may lead to a what comes first question, among others.

Botanical Gardens announce Spring Plant Sale

If you’re looking for a way to unwind after you file that income tax return on April 15 (and based on last year’s site visits for the day, a lot of you will), then you’ll love the fact that the Birmingham Botanical Gardens has just announced that the annual Spring Plant Sale will be starting on April 16 starting with a special preview party that evening.

The event will go through April 19 and is the largest in the state of Alabama with more than 85,000 plants for sale. Last year’s sale raised more than $200,000 for education programs.

Dates after the jump:

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Glen Iris residents want your help

We just got an email asking for residents to show up at tomorrow’s City Council meeting to show support for residents of the city’s Glen Iris neighborhood. For more than a year they’ve been working to stop development of 107 apartments planned for the eastern side of George Ward Park on the former Knights of Columbus Property. Among other things, the park holds a 24-hole disc golf course.

They will attempt to convince the council tomorrow to initiate a Sector Plan Study of the portion of the Glen Iris Neighborhood that includes the property in question to determine the appropriate zoning. They’re also hoping for a moratorium on building while that sector plan study is being conducted.

The email contains all of the pertinent details.

They really want you to go shopping…

Eat at Home AlabamaThe Alabama Grocers Association recently unveiled a new website called Eat At Home Alabama. According to the site, “agriculture and the grocery industry is 30% of Alabama’s economy and employs [more than] 200,000 people.” This means that their argument is that it’s a good thing for Alabama if you eat at home instead of eating out. The site will be promoting ways to save and healthy eating habits among other things.

Free thinking in Birmingham


Screenshot of FreeThinkBham

A new addition to the Birmingham blogosphere, FreeThinkBham says that it’s “Birmingham’s guide to progressive action and info.”

The blog was launched last month and appears to be working towards being a one stop shop for information those that lean to the political left in The Magic City can turn to complete with a calendar of events.