Tag Archives: Alabama

How much will that drive cost?

Considering all of the recent talk about rising gas prices and getting from point A to point B, especially after this weekend’s panic, we thought you’d want to check out this page. This results page gives details about driving from Birmingham to Salem, OR, but the site allows you to see just how much gas (and money) it would take for you to get pretty much anywhere you’re headed. It could come in handy, especially when the holiday season starts up.

Yep, founded in Alabama

As The Birmingham News points out, one of the most overlooked portions of Lehman Brothers history is that is got its start just down the road in Montgomery. The other thing lost in the noise of the announcement is the fact that only one portion of the company has filed for Chapter 11. So maybe there’s a chance (weil, maybe) – though it’s not looking that good…

On the agenda: It’s about getting around today

A quick glance at today’s Birmingham City Council agenda gives you the impression that it’s all about getting and moving things around. There are ordinances securing our transit authority’s operating contract (Item 10)  providing additional funds for the system (Item 6); allowing for Alagasco to get around town (Item 7); securing an incentive for the relocation of Intermark’s 110 employees to the former Rogers Trading Company building; allowing for Jim Burke Automotive to consolidate more of their dealerships downtown (Item 5). There’s even one approving plans to move forward on making it a more attractive drive down one of our streets (14th Street North – Item 15).

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The Encyclopedia of Alabama launches (officially)

Encyclopedia of Alabama logo - Courtesy of websiteWe always plug our relationship with BhamWiki whenever we can. Today there was an official unveiling of what it would be like if the folks at the Wiki ever got a large grant to help supplement it. The Encyclopedia of Alabama was formally launched by Governor Riley today at the Alabama Humanities Foundation Leadership Summit and Awards Luncheon in Hoover (though the site’s been up and active since February). We’re interested in hearing what you think about it – and thanks to GoodCourage for giving up the head’s up. You can always direct message us via Twitter or any of the other contact methods with news tips and story ideas.

Council gets tougher on finances

Birmingham City Council President Carole Smitherman has probably already made her proposal to the council’s budget, finance and administration committee today. The News reports that the proposal would include requiring Mayor Langford to present monthly reports to the council in addition to making the city’s 3-month reserve fund a requirement (which would make it difficult to touch for regular expenses). This comes after an interesting few days, including a Saturday meeting that turned heated and an interesting discussion of no-bid contracts.

Of course, you could just listen to (and watch) Smitherman explain it herself.

The dirt’s moving at Ruffner

New beginnings at Ruffner
Photo: New beginnings at Ruffner. acnatta/Flickr

Progress on Birmingham’s Park-nership, one of the larger initiatives undertaken by the Community Foundation of Greater Birmingham, always seems to be sought after, so I figured it would make sense to post this image. It’s the view looking through where Ruffner Mountain‘s pavillion once stood out to the site of the nature center’s new visitors center, currently scheduled for a May 2009 completion.

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Finally, ArtWalk photos

Photo: MIA. Gordon Bell/GALPhotography

We’ve been trying to upload some photo sets (particularly one from ArtWalk 2008) to our backend for the better part of a week now, with no luck. Suddenly we just remembered, we do have the fan page on Facebook – and yet another outlet for photos. So, without further ado, check out the album of selected photos by Terminal photographer Gordon Bell from ArtWalk 2008. Add comments, name people, join the rest of the fans of the hub if you feel like it…