Tag Archives: Alabama

Last Car, 29.2009

absolutely no parking

The economic stimulus bill passed its first hurdle this evening, but do you want to see what the makeup of it was prior to its passage (and removal of $6 billion)? Check out this interactive map courtesy of ProPublica.

The Blazers got beat by Tulsa on a buzzer beater, 75-74. And if you thought you were going to that Samford vs. Davidson game on Saturday (like I did), you better have a ticket, cause they’re all gone.

The folks at Mayfield Ice Cream say it’s still safe to eat any of their products made with peanut butter.

Speaking of peanut butter, Mike’s saying there’s a chance we may see snow on Monday – only a chance, mind you…

Photo: absolutely no parking. briantmurphy/Flickr.

Artur joins the Twitterverse

Call us crazy over here, but follow along and see if we’re on the same page as everyone else…

A poll was unveiled on the 26th by Anzalone-Liszt (and shared via Doc’s Political Parlor yesterday) showed results that favored Congressman Artur Davis as he determines whether or not he may run for governor in 2010. Then this afternoon your favorite neighborhood hub is invited to become a follower of the U.S. Representative’s new Twitter feed

So we’re just wondering “When this ‘potential’ run becomes an actual one?”

AL.com’s got some new online digs


Screenshot of new al.com front page.

They’ve been getting those of us throughout the state ready for it for weeks, and this afternoon, AL.com’s new design was launched. Before the critics point this out, yes, you can find a similar look on other sites associated with them, including nj.com. Now with that out of the way…

Click on the screenshot to head on over there (or here) and take a look around.

A tale of two elected bodies

Yesterday could be seen as a microcosm of what’s going on in Jefferson County right now. The Birmingham City Council was able to listen to Mayor Langford present the State of the City address (complete with stern remarks towards the council and others) and then vote against using a portion of the former Social Security headquarters to house the city’s police department. Meanwhile the Jefferson County Commission proceeded to approve spending $237,500 for a lobbyist to Washington, DC to help “fix” the sewer crisis. Their vote allows for the contract to be renewed every 90 days. Quite a contrast…

No pets on Wednesdays

The economic crisis is starting to affect our four-legged friends. NBC 13 is reporting that the Greater Birmingham Humane Society will be closed on Wednesdays (and not closing for good on Wednesday as some may infer from their post’s headline) for the foreseeable future, starting tomorrow.

While we haven’t seen the press release, the information is up on their website’s front page, giving you a great excuse to see what else they may need.

A new addition (sort of) to the Birmingham skyline

The skyline's a changing again

Photo: acnatta/Flickr.

If you take a closer look at the photo above (or look up if you’re downtown), you’ll notice that work is going on atop Regions Bank’s Birmingham headquarters. The building has only had signs visible on two sides during its history, dating back to its days as AmSouth Tower. The new signs will allow folks approaching The Magic City from all sides to immediately pick out the building.

There’s a state creed for Alabama?

That’s one of the things that Left in Alabama contributor Redeye learned recently and decided to share with the popular blog’s readers

…and now we invite you to head on over there and learn it, Alabama’s state motto and the reason why the phrase “Heart of Dixie” is on all of the state’s license plates for yourself.