Tag Archives: Alabama

UPDATE: A trial free zone starting Monday

I figured that would get your attention here on a Friday afternoon as you’re getting ready to enjoy a mostly rain-free weekend.

I thought you’d like it if we told you now instead of waiting until Monday to do so…

There are no plans to post anything – and I mean ANYTHING – about the pending Federal trial of Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford – until a conclusion to the matter is determined. Well, except for the piece I’ll post tomorrow morning that was posted early Saturday afternoon explaining why. (We’ll link to it from here).

Enjoy your Friday!

UPDATE: Fire + Ice COO responds

This morning I received the following message from the COO of Fire + Ice restaurants, Hol Hustus in response to our email to them and yesterday’s post about the status of the Five Points South location:

“Thanks for the e-mail. Unfortunately the restaurant has recently closed. The owners plan on making some changes and re-opening in a few months. We will try to keep you posted through out website and e-mails.

Thanks again.”

Sounds like we’ll know what’s coming next in that spot soon. Thanks to Hol for the prompt reply.

Columbus, MS is proud of Alana

When Alana Edwards recently defeated two-term incumbent Odessa Ashley in the Birmingham City School Board District 7 runoff last week, she became the youngest person elected to serve on that board.

The niece of Columbus, Mississippi’s first African American city councilman, Edwards’ hometown paper, The Commercial Dispatch, filed this brief in today’s newspaper – a user-submitted brief we might add.

UPDATE: Fice and Ice under wraps, for now

Fire and Ice under wraps. Andre Natta/bhamterminal.com

We’re really not weren’t sure what the deal is was ourselves. There’d been a lot of searches recently including the words “Fire and Ice“, “Birmingham” and “what happened” bringing folks to the website so we headed over to Five Points South where we took the above photo.

The windows were covered in paper though there were no signs explaining what was going on. Comments to the restaurant’s fan page on Facebook suggest that this has been the case since October 10. Emails have been sent to the local corporate offices with no answer or voicemail available when phoned. The restaurant opened in March of 2008.

What we did learn was that the restaurant is having improvements made that should be complete in time for a December reopening, so those who enjoy the restaurant shouldn’t be worried about them closing.

Photo: Fire and Ice as it appeared on Tuesday evening, October 13, 2009. André Natta/bhamterminal.com.

Vote for a Birmingham aha moment

aha moment logoNot sure if you remember back in June when the aha moment tour came to Birmingham, AL… Well, now they’ve posted the 75 semi-finalist videos on the project’s official website for consideration. We’ve got until October 15 to make sure that at least one of three videos filmed here in Birmingham is chosen as one of the top 25 finalists. The top 10 chosen from those finalists will be used in Mutual of Omaha’s 2010 television campaign. Thanks to Chris Osborne, one of the subjects of the three videos, for sharing the information earlier this month via Twitter.

Looks like we’ve got some videos to watch soon…

Women’s blogathon continues

Fifteen blogs have participated so far in The Women’s Fund of Greater Birmingham‘s inaugural Blogging Against Violence online event – that we know of. For those who didn’t see it, here’s the post that I wrote last week and here’s how we announced it on the site. This is a reminder that anyone that is interested may write posts and let them know that you’ve written one until this Thursday, October 15.

Incidentally, The Women’s Fund is the subject of an article in Monday morning’s Birmingham News about its programs and direction.

Election ’09: Now the work begins

I voted stickerThe people have spoken (well, only about 14.5% have – and that’s with the storm holding off until late last night – but that’s besides the point) and we now have a new Birmingham City Council ready to take office in late November. Last night’s runoff elections for the Council and school board seats were definitely interesting and led to some great discussions on Birmingham Weekly’s live blog coverage. Meanwhile, Wade on Birmingham provided a rundown of who ended up where as a result of yesterday’s activities. The Birmingham News reminds us this morning about the most closely watched of the races – the one involving City Council President Carole Smitherman and Citizens Advisory Board president Sheila Tyson.

Of course, if you want a recap of exactly how it went down, check out BhamWiki’s page on the election.