Tag Archives: AL

More ways to show your love for The Magic City

We’ve been quietly selling t-shirts on the site for several months now sporting the 1950s slogan “It’s Nice to Have You in Birmingham” and they’ve been fairly well received. There’s now another t-shirt that you’ll have a chance to purchase in the near future .

i am birmingham shirt design. lynseleanne.comlynseleanne.com plans to begin selling shirts with the phrase “i am birmingham” on them, doing a really creative play on the organization of the letters in the city’s name. Head on over to learn more about why and how you can get one. Go on, we’ll wait…

By the way, we anticipate getting a shipment of white Terminal Ts in the next two weeks – so if you’re interested, let us know and we’ll let you know when they arrive.

Turns out the magic number is four

That’s how many Starbucks Coffee locations are actually closing in metro Birmingham. Besides the two locations that have been reported about earlier in local media, we’re also losing locations on Rocky Ridge Road and one on Parkway East. These would be four of the newer locations in town. The one that recently opened in Hoover on Hwy. 31 is safe (compared to the five locations closing in Mobile).

Here’s the list of all of the U.S. locations slated for closure. (Thanks Kara).

And she’s back!

I’m back. After leaving last week’s “Got Plans?” column in the capable hands of guest columnist Carla Jean Whitley, Christina’s back from the beach and once again ready to offer you the best in weekend entertainment. She’s got three things she wishes she could do, two events that do good and, of course, one festival. Head on over on Timetable to find out what they are.

A look back: July 18


Construction began on Logan Martin Dam.


Patricia Todd defeated Gaynell Hendricks for the Alabama House District 54 seat.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo

Talk about a local hero

For those of us that don’t normally check CNN as much as we used to, thanks to Melanie for reminding us as we prepare to stand in long lines to watch one superhero’s return to the big screen that some of the best heroes in our community are right under our nose. Check out this video over on CNN.com about Kid One Transport founder Russell Jackson, nominated to be one of their CNN Heroes (it was first posted on July 10).

Looking for a source?

So, you want to be considered for a source for a story written in town? Or maybe you’re looking for a source… OK, I admit that this isn’t always the first question that pops into my mind first thing in the morning (and I’m assuming it doesn’t just pop into yours either). Thing is, even if it does, currently most of the options available for registering or seeking out “experts” or “sources” online (including helpareporter.com) are on national and not local or state based.

screenshot of SourceBarn.com

Well, now there’s a new site trying to provide the same service for folks here in Alabama. SourceBarn has been enjoying a soft launch, but we figured it was time to point a few folks over to the free site set up by former Fox 6 reporter Atticus Rominger. Check it out and let us (and him) know what you think.

A look back: July 17


Radio announcer Joe Rumore was born in Birmingham.


Artist Bill Morgan Freeman died in Birmingham.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo