Tag Archives: United Way of Central Alabama

United Way launches new online initiative

iamunited.org screenshotThe United Way of Central Alabama has launched a new online initiative inspired by the national organization’s long-running “Live United” campaign.

The new “I am United” website presents a new way for the UWCA to “promote opportunity and engagement among those who want to help” while leveraging Facebook accounts.

Visitors must log in using their Facebook account to fully engage with the site, allowing them to potentially cross-post ways they’re engaging in the community, earn badges to let others know about their level of participation and learn about volunteer opportunities via an events calendar. You’ll also be able to nominate “champions.”

It does not replace the organization’s official website, which currently reminds us that they reached their 2010 goal by raising more than $37.2 million. The organization has also re-branded their YouTube and Twitter profile accordingly.

Help bring Happyness to Birmingham in September

gardnerchristopherA large crowd turned out to watch the advance screening of The Pursuit of Happyness at the Alabama Theatre in December 2006 to help support The Firehouse Shelter. Well, now you have a chance to help bring the film’s subject, Christopher Gardner, to Birmingham on September 3 as the keynote for the United Way’s campaign kickoff!

Keppler Speakers is giving away a keynote speech by Gardner with all expenses paid to one lucky organization to help celebrate the launch of his new book and we’ve got until the end of today (June 15) to help the United Way of Central Alabama be that organization.

Find out how after the jump.

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Facebook friends unite!

The United Way of Central Alabama has launched a new group on Facebook and they want you to join and help them spread the word.

It is a Causes page that is part of this year’s annual campaign. They’re trying to bolster the number of members in part because tomorrow they’re asking their followers on Facebook to change their profile image in an effort to make even more folks aware of their efforts. We’re looking into doing some redecorating ourselves for the day. Head on over and check it out!

Hungry? Here’s an option that gives back this week

This week area Guthrie’s restaurants & NBC 13 are giving away complimentary chicken boxes with donations made; proceeds will benefit the United Way of Central Alabama.

You may want to check out the list of the locations that will be taking part in this effort this week before you head out for lunch via United Way’s PDF.