Tag Archives: Railroad Park

Loads to do this evening

It’s going to be a busy evening here in Birmingham. We’re aware of a gathering over at the Railroad Park (giving attendees a chance to learn more about the project’s progress) as well as a fundraiser/mixer for YouthServe, providing a chance to learn more about the non-profit organization’s activities. Fans of Catalyst’s monthly Green Third Thursday event can head on over to The Birmingham Zoo at 6:45 p.m. tonight.

BTW – we haven’t mentioned it here on the site but if you feel like it we’re going to be enjoying a Terminally Happy Hour at The Bottletree this evening. Their happy hour officially starts at 3 p.m. – we’ll be there by 5 and be there for a while. We’ve got a Facebook invite set up for it right now, or you can just DM us using Twitter. Hopefully you can get out tonight; otherwise Whitney’s got another suggestion for you over on Timetable. Unless you’ve got another one to share that we’ve forgotten…

Signature projects downtown take shape

Model of Railroad Park structures. Special to bhamterminal.com

Special to bhamterminal.com

Today’s ONB Breakfast Briefing focused on the current status of three projects considered by many to be signature statements for Birmingham, including the Railroad Park and the Marriott Renaissance Hotel to be located in the former Regions Bank headquarters. Click on the image above to view more images from the presentation.

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