Tag Archives: information

Looking both ways in downtown Birmingham


Tonight those in the Birmingham Public Library‘s Arrington Auditorium beginning at 5:30 p.m. will hear the results of a study conducted by Operation New Birmingham, the Regional Planning Commission, the Birmingham Metropolitan Planning Organization and the City of Birmingham to look at turning some of our one-way streets back to two-way streets. They’ve been looking at 2nd, 3rd and 4th Avenues North and 13th, 14th, 17th and 18th Streets. Here’s some more info.

Wish for Fish at McWane this summer

Wish for Fish - McWane Science CenterMcWane Science Center is adding a new Shark & Ray Touch Tank to their World of Water aquarium in July and they’re looking for folks to help them stock it. You can support the new interactive experience as a Guppy, a Sting Ray or a Bonnethead Shark among other things. You can visit their website to contribute to Wish for Fish or if you’re on Facebook, become a member of their Cause and spread the word!

Have some green eggs and ham this morning

greeneggshamIf you’re close to Regions Center Plaza this morning between 7 and 9:30 a.m., you might be tempted to stop on by for breakfast, courtesy of Culinard, the Culinary Institute of Virginia College. Breakfast wraps will be served with coffee provided by Crestwood Coffee Company for $10 to help raise funds for the Green Resource Center for Alabama (GRCA). FYI, GRCA’s mission is to promote sustainable social, economic and environmental practices. You can drive-thru or walk up at the corner of 20th Street and 5th Avenue North.

If you feel one of those Fridays coming on, you can also get a chair massage for $5. Think of it as a relaxing way to get to work late for a good reason…

Free the Hops bill passed by Alabama State Senate

Visitors trying to Google “Free the Hops” and trying to access their website are currently meeting a 504 error.  We’re thinking it’s because of the traffic being generated by fans of specialty & gourmet beers throughout the state celebrating the passage of HB 373 earlier this afternoon. This afternoon at 2:56 p.m., Free the Hops shared via Twitter words that its supporters have been waiting to hear since it was founded in 2004…


The bill was passed while Senator Hank Erwin was outside of the Senate chamber in Montgomery. The bill currently awaits the signature of Governor Riley. The organization’s making a plea on their blog with additional information about the next step in the process.

A real groundbreaking on Southside


Workers dig a trench along 21st Street & Second Ave. South on Wednesday morning as work begins on the CiTYViLLE BLOCK 121 mixed-use development on Birmingham’s Southside. City officials (including Mayor Langford) and the developer gathered later that afternoon for the ceremony. The development is slated to include 255 apartments and more than 21,000 square feet of retail space, both of which will undoubtedly lead to a transformation of that part of the city.

Check out the press release from the mayor’s office sent on Tuesday announcing the groundbreaking ceremony.

Photo: Bob Farley/f8Photo

Ruffner Mountain to close (but only temporarily)

You’ve got one more weekend before Ruffner Mountain Nature Center closes its facilities temporarily to complete construction of their new Tree Top Visitors Center. They made the announcement via a press release earlier today that it will be closed beginning next week Monday, May 4, through June 15 so that the existing structure can be demolished and so that the parking lot can be resurfaced. According to reports, the trails will be reopened after June 15, though the new building will open late summer/early fall, the first of the three Parknership projects to be completed. However, construction has been well underway for some time.

I actually serve as the vice president for the center’s board of directors and was photographed in front of the new building on the day that windows were being installed for Birmingham Magazine‘s March edition. You may want to head over there this weekend and see how much has already been completed – albeit from a distance…

Facebook users beware

There is a new phishing scam on Facebook that is trying to trick members of the popular social networking site to share their profile login information – and we’re not talking about yesterday’s fbaction.net situation.

Beware of any messages that you receive today asking you to check out a site called fbstarter.com. Do not visit the site or enter your Facebook login information. We’ll thank Nate over at Varloo Design for the head’s up on the new twist.