Tag Archives: Alabama

Fox 6 unveils new website


Screenshot for new MyFoxAL.com

The new look for the WBRC – Fox 6 website appears to be a little more streamlined than its predecessor.

One thing noticeable on under the About Us > Personalities section of the site is the absence of the profiles for Chris Montana, one of the 10 employees that were let go by the Birmingham, AL Fox affiliate late last week. I’ll also say that it was weird not to see morning traffic reporter Brooke Allen’s profile either…

The station’s celebrating its 60th anniversary this year.

Nena and Ellie bring home the prize!

Remember when we told you that there was a chance to help Hand in Paw therapy team Nena Moon and Ellie win the Beyond Limits Award in the Pet Partners category? Well, they won

Here’s the video that helped win it for them:

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/p_n8UiDkpIg" width="400" height="329" wmode="transparent" /]


UPDATE: The Mayor speaks at the ONB Breakfast Briefing

This morning Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford speaks to a crowded room at the Harbert Center to review progress on various projects taking place in the City. He has already spoken about the loss of common sense in the city as well as the city’s new 3D map, focused on Birmingham’s City Center. There has also been a presentation of the DVD created to make the case for the funding of the Birmingham Zoo’s expansion.

Take the jump and follow along: Continue reading

UPDATE: The City Stages ’09 campaign is… you!

UPDATE #2: Remember that manifesto I talked about… we’ve got it! Scroll down and click on the link to read:

UPDATE: The reveal is definitely interesting:


The campaign is centered on us – Birmingham that is.

This year’s effort to make people aware of the festival as it comes of age involves sharing what City Stages means to those that attend it. Dan Monroe of Cayenne Creative explained the concept to a full WorkPlay Theatre this evening.

Continue reading

No, it’s not Pole Position

It is a great new tool available at UAB to help get patients back on the road… It may also help avoid the estimated 4,000 – 8,000 crashes per year caused by distracted drivers as reported by AAA.

Some drivers are dealing with certain types of illnesses or they are elderly. Enter the $100,000 driving simulator at the UAB Driving Assessment Clinic funded in part by the National Institute on Aging.

The interactive simulator allows for patients to be tested for 30 minute sessions using a 130° field of view and giving them an opportunity to experience several different types of driving conditions.

Condoleezza Rice gets book deal

Condoleezza Rice - World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2008, World Economic Forum/FlickrIn case you hadn’t already heard, Birmingham, AL native and former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has signed a 3-book, $2.5 million deal with Crown Publishing Group, the same folks who published then U.S. Senator Barack Obama’s The Audacity of Hope. The first book is scheduled for release in 2011. USA Today has all of the other details that I’m sure you’re looking for.

Photo: Condoleezza Rice – World Economic Forum Annual Meeting Davos 2008. World Economic Forum/Flickr.

Langford criticizes the media

bjcc_larry_langford_0028Mayor Larry Langford made an appearance at The University of Alabama on Monday evening only two hours after having surgery and proceeded to offer very candid comments about the media, politics and race both regionally and nationally. While The Birmingham News‘ account in Tuesday’s paper provided an overview of the event, the account provided by The Crimson White‘s senior reporter shows that the former Fox 6 television reporter did not mince his words.

The presentation, Race, Politics and the Media in the Age of Obama, was hosted by the Capstone Association of Black Journalists and the Society of Professional Journalists.

Photo: Bob Farley/f8Photo