Tag Archives: AL

Local student takes the Times to task

Alec Niedenthal - Facebook profile image A recent book review in the New York Times was taken to task by 17 year old Birmingham resident Alec Niedenthal.

The Syntax of Things blog has a synopsis of the situation and links to the original letter published in the June 1 edition of the paper and a subsequent interview of the young man by the New York Observer.

It definitely does make you smile…

See what the buzz is all about…

This morning’s Birmingham News highlights a workaround for the popular video game Rock Band that allows anyone using a wheelchair to fully engage in (and enjoy) the game.

We figured it would be cool to let y’all watch a video demonstrating modification made to the game by Brittany Raymond in action:

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/hDe7r7YfCE0" width="400" height="329" wmode="transparent" /]

We thought you’d also like to see Jeremy’s original post from May 30 too.

A look back: June 11


The Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals threw out Bull Connor‘s convictions on charges of disorderly conduct, joint occupancy of a hotel room with a member of the opposite sex, and extramarital sexual intercourse.


Governor George Wallace carried out his “stand in the schoolhouse door” at the University of Alabama.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo

Follow City Stages on Twitter

Screenshot of City Stages' Twiter profile

Screenshot of City Stages’ Twitter profile page.

Birmingham’s annual downtown music festival has recently introduced a Twitter profile to the mix of ways to keep track of what’s going on. The popular (and recently erratic) microblogging program allows people to follow people, places and in this case events either on the web, or using your cell phone’s SMS feature. If used effectively, it could let people know about delays in acts taking the stage and other events associated with the festival among other things.

We’ve been quiet with our Twitter profile recently, but hopefully that will change this week…

A look back: June 9


An ill man arriving from Huntsville touched off the 1873 cholera epidemic in Birmingham.


Joran van der Sloot and Deepak and Satish Kalpoe were first arrested on charges of involvement in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo

More coverage in the air

Delta Sky Magazine - Heart of the City

Screenshot of Delta Air Lines Sky Magazine website.

Well, we’ve become quite the popular city to write about. Last year the city enjoyed coverage in Southwest’s in-flight magazine focused on Rickwood Field and the Rickwood Classic. In May, Delta Air Lines published a story about the city in general in May’s Sky Magazine. Luckily, the story is still up on the Internet, so you can see what they wrote about us…

Still looking for stuff to do…

Today I spent a good portion of the day looking for stuff. Things I thought I had put one place only to be found in another room. But I find I’m not missing out on much. My life is full of missing shoes, missing winning Powerball tickets and the one thing I really dread, a missing Thomas the Tank Engine. The one thing I’m not looking for is things to do this weekend. There’s always plenty to do since I know where to look.

Here’s where you can starting looking yourself.