Category Archives: The Terminal

The Terminal’s 1st Anniversary Party, 2027 1st Avenue North

It’s been a year since we got started with a relatively quiet post. Now it’s time to celebrate the fact that we’ve made it this long and that we’ve got some pretty cool plans.

Join us on the top floor of the former Protective Life/Chamber of Commerce building (2027 1st Avenue North) on Friday evening to enjoy a view of The Magic City that we’re sure some haven’t seen in a long time as well as a chance to learn about some plans for the coming year with Birmingham’s hub. The fun is presented by

There will be food, an open bar, a door prize or two, samples of some of Verizon’s newest equipment and, most importantly, a chance to thank all of you for supporting us during this first year. We’ll also have t-shirts for sale – we might even have a new one or two for you to consider.

And yes, there’s still more information coming soon…


$10/person if you just want to come on out and show some support
$5/person if you currently subscribe to our newsletter, the express *
Free if you bring a used cell phone to be donated to Verizon’s HOPELINE Program

*(if you don’t, head over to our front page and sign up will ya?)

2027 1st Avenue North (directions)

Your regularly scheduled “A Look Back”…

…has been delayed due to technical problems. Those folks waiting for John and the other folks regular morning post – just stay tuned. We’ll post it as soon as service is restored.

Some of you visiting the front page this morning may also be wondering just where the traffic is this morning. Keep on scrolling and you should find it (otherwise the Terminal elves have some explaining to do).

Yes, there’s a staff meeting tomorrow

help wanted signWe figured we’d make sure to remind those of you that are interested in getting the conversation started in 2008 that our first meeting of the New Year will be tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 10 a.m. at Java and Jams downtown.

Check out the calendar listing for more information. Hopefully we’ll see you there – though our staff birthday boy Charles Buchanan will be out of pocket – something about celebrating…

The Terminal Staff Meeting, Java and Jams

So, you want to join this motley crew of writers? Cool, because we’re going to need a lot more folks like you in the coming year to keep this thing going…

We’re looking for anyone that has a true passion and love for Birmingham, Alabama, its metropolitan area and all that it has to offer. Our submissions section (recently edited – check for the changes) offers a little more information about what we’re looking for in each section – and know that we’re not just looking for writers either. Photographers, video folks, people that like to podcast – all are welcome.

Our first “staff” meeting of 2008 will focus largely on trying to get some folks plugged into what they want to write about, so long as it relates to our goal of being a hub for information and conversation in Birmingham. We’ve also got some story ideas for folks that want an assignment. We promise it won’t be too painful

We still can’t pay you yet, and we’re not going to be too picky, though if you could forward us a sample of your writing that would even be better.

So come on out to Java and Jams (321 20th Street North) buy some coffee and let’s figure out where this thing is going this year.

From the Stationmaster: the boss gets profiled in The News

Yeah, it’s not from the stationmaster, but we knew he’d never post this story about himself on the site, so I’m going to do it for him.

If you happen to pick up today’s Birmingham News and check out the second part of the local section’s front page article about local bloggers, you’ll find a profile on our own AndrĂ© Natta and the site that you’re looking at right now…

So after you give him some grief – or some love – you’ll also want to know that this week’s and next week’s express newsletters will hit inboxes on Thursday instead of today due to the holidays. Don’t forget to sign up on our front page to receive it!

A Christmas message

Here’s what how one popular character reminds us of the reason we’re off today:

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To you and yours, enjoy and best wishes!

From the Stationmaster: So you want to meet our staff, huh?

The Terminal's staff page

Screenshot of the top of our staff page.

We’ve been promising for months now that we’d put up a page that would let you see and learn a little more about the folks behind the scenes here at The Terminal. We really wanted to do it because we knew that many of you still didn’t believe that it wasn’t just me changing names every once in a while.

Well, just in time so you know who’s who at tonight’s Holiday Get Together, we’ve finally posted an almost complete list of our current volunteer staff. There are more names that will be added in the coming weeks, so check back often as we get ready for 2008.

Plus – as promised to folks in this week’s newsletter – here’s a little note from me giving you an idea of what to expect as 2008 starts up in just 11 days…