Category Archives: The Terminal

From the Stationmaster: Our plans for the day

You may have noticed some minor changes to the style and functionality of the site if you’ve visited our homepage today. This is a result of concerns that have been raised by readers in recent weeks, as well as a minor meltdown early this morning. In order to make these changes, the updates for the Election ’07 site have not been completed as of yet.

It’s our intention to begin posting additional content across The Terminal today beginning at 1 p.m., however it may be delayed further if necessary. We will also postpone our in-depth Election ’07 poll’s debut until tomorrow morning.

The changes being made and the pending announcements for this afternoon I hope are ones that you as readers will benefit from and enjoy. Enjoy the ride!

André Natta

From the Stationmaster: Elsewhere on The Terminal

The world keeps on moving and we wanted to make sure that you were aware of what was going on around the site.

  • Timetable has details about Get Downtown and McWane Science Center’s new adult after-hours event, both scheduled for this evening. The second story also includes some links to some of the newer events that will keep folks busy during the fall months.
  • Our stationmaster has made a return to editorial action over on my Birmingham talking about our urban fabric, and if we’re really trying to save it, or develop it into what we think we want. It was originally supposed to be the first part of a series tied to our ongoing election coverage, and it still relates, though its purpose is a little different.

Election ’07: Your Questions, Their Answers begins today

We were starting to wonder if we’d be able to do it ourselves. Our thanks to those candidates that sat down with André last week to record answers to the questions submitted by our readers earlier this summer. Click here to visit the Your Questions, Their Answers homepage on the Election ’07 site. Or you can just click the appropriate link that follows to hear their answers for the first two questions:

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From the Stationmaster: A slower posting day

I just wanted to warn you that you’re going to see a little less traffic than normal from us this morning. Yeah, part of it may be the rain (though we’re extremely grateful), but we’re also busy finishing up two more interviews for our candidates series beginning on Monday. Mayor Kincaid and Willie Hendrix have committed to being interviewed. We have still not received word from Commissioner Larry Langford’s campaign.

There are still a couple of posts that will to go up this morning, but you’ll see the bulk of our stories today after 1 p.m.

Enjoy the rain and stay dry!

We’re in the paper! We’re in the paper!

The UAB student newspaper that is. Kaleidoscope reporter Kristi Houk recently interviewed our publisher André Natta and the story appeared in this week’s edition. Click here to take a look.

We also figured that we should share this article (PDF, 1.4 MB) that ran earlier this summer in Birmingham Magazine. We made the publication’s 2007 Hot List! Here’s a look at the page itself:

Image Of Hot List Page

We may be in one more publication this week before it’s all said and done, but we’ll let you know.

Terminal T is now on sale!

Terminal T Shirt Front

Well, we promised you that you’d be able to buy our first ever t-shirt beginning this morning… and here it is!

Using the phrase from a popular 1961 image campaign, the shirt also sports our logo on the back. Clicking here or on the image of the shirt will get you started with the process, thanks to the guys over at GoodStorm.

The Week in Review starts tomorrow

The staff is about to volunteer their time down at Artwalk this evening, both for the festival as well as serving as a street team both tonight and tomorrow. There will be a recap of the days events beginning at 10 p.m. (yeah, we know it sounds like the big boys on TV). We’ll also be posting stories that didn’t make it on the site this week tomorrow, even though we know that most of you will be watching football (we’ll feel better catching up).

Just a reminder that if you happen to see a couple of folks coming towards you with a “It’s Nice to Have You in Birmingham” shirt on, it’s probably a member of the street team and your chance to win one of those very same t-shirts before we start selling them on the site next week. Keep your eyes open.