Category Archives: Regionwide

Take a Moment: Brew a cup of coffee, support a local organization

We were out starting to place our bright orange fliers around town over the weekend when we stumbled across a yard sale at the Crestwood Coffee Company. The sale was to raise funds for Black Warrior Riverkeeper. It was also a great opportunity to debut a new a new dark roast named in the organization’s honor by Higher Ground Roasters over in Leeds, AL. Proceeds from the sale of the new roast blend will go to support the non-profit organization. You can order it online or pick some up throughout the Birmingham metro region (a list is included in the Locust Fork Journal’s post about the coffee and the yard sale).

What better way to support the cause?

We warned you; now you’re on your own

It’s no secret that more state toopers will be on local highways starting today through Friday so if you get a ticket, it’s your own fault. Everybody’s already tried to warn you:
Fox 6
ABC 33/40

The Alabama Department of Public Safety is calling the statewide blitz “Take Back Our Highways” and is putting ALL its man/woman power on the road, even the desk jockeys. In a press release, DPS Director Col. J. Christopher Murphy said the increase in Alabama traffic deaths – at their highest level since 1973 – prompted the initiative.

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Take a Moment: Happy Hour for a Cause nominees

I’d like to take this opportunity to once again thank everyone that took the time to share their nominees for this poll question. We did whittle down the list as well as consider entries that were sent in via email and telephone before the 11:59 p.m. deadline on Saturday. Pop on over to my Birmingham and find out what was in our minds as figured it out.

The poll will magically appear at 3 p.m. today on the front page. If you click on the read more link, you will see links to all of the groups included in the poll. Stay tuned also for final details about our post-launch party on August 29.

NOTE: The poll will run until 11:59 p.m. this Friday!

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ipsa job board launches

Ipsa Job Board ScreenshotInternet Professionals Society of Alabama (IPSA) has announced the creation of a job board, currently available on their website. The board, powered by WordPress, provides a one-stop shop for job seekers to learn about opportunities in our technology & web development industries. It looks like another great tool to make people aware of what’s available here in Birmingham and the surrounding region.

Election ’07: Speaking of Catalyst…

We’re going to share all of the questions that are submitted to us for our candidates series to Catalyst for consideration to be used during the September 18 mayoral debate they are hosting with the League of Women Voters of Greater Birmingham at WorkPlay Theater. If you have not submitted a question us to consider using for our series, click here to submit them.

You may also click here to find out a little more about it. We plan on sharing some more information about our series soon. Stay tuned.

Catalyst & United Way Young Leaders invite you to make a Board Connection next week

Catalyst Logo United Way Logo Nrca Logo

Catalyst and United Way Young Leaders Society are partnering with the Nonprofit Resource Center of Alabama (NRCA) to provide a great opportunity to our YP community.

Next Wednesday, August 8, they’re inviting those interested to come out to WorkPlay to learn more about how to make a Board Connection with area nonprofits seeking new blood. We’ve even got the PDF file for you to download and share with your friends.

my Birmingham: What are your thoughts about the latest dome proposal?

With the latest plan to create a dome stadium in town, we’ve decided to question whether or not it’s viable. Visit my Birmingham and read the post and then post your comments over there.

Big dreams can hurt sometimes