Category Archives: politics

Election ’07: Dealing with the drought and local issues

Your Questions, Their Answers gets those that participated to talk about what the mayor and council can do about our local drought conditions and over their ideas for working with neighborhoods to deal with issues important to them.

Drought conditions
Crime, lighting & infrastructure

Check out the main page for the series, visit the specific topics and offer your comments on their answers.

FYITomorrow we’ll begin running our latest mayoral poll. Stay tuned…

Election ’07: Implementation and challenges

Today’s questions in the Your Questions, Their Answers series over on Election ’07 deal with the issues of implementation of existing plans, the creation of new ones and the challenges that face whoever is victorious at the end of this race.

Implentation of existing plans
Their biggest challenge

Check out the entire series (it runs through Friday) and post your comments about their responses. We’d also encourage you to comment about last night’s mayoral forum on over on our “What do you think about the candidates?” page.

Election ’07: The first “major” forum is tonight!

We’re looking forward to this evening’s mayoral forum at WorkPlay. You can check out this Election ’07 calendar entry to find out more details about this evening’s event at WorkPlay.

Our plan (or AndrĂ©’s plan) is to hang out in the bar beginning at 5:30 p.m. He may even have some t-shirts to give away this evening to those that can spot him (not that spotting AndrĂ© working on a laptop during happy hour in a bar is that hard).

He’ll be collecting your comments about the forum and sharing them on the site. So check in with him when you get there this evening.

Oh yeah, and check out his quotes in this morning’s Birmingham News article about young professionals’ interest in this election.

Election ’07: Regionalism and vision

These two words have created quite a buzz throughout the country in recent years, particularly in the Southeastern United States and currently here in Birmingham. As our series Your Questions, Their Answers continues today, the candidates tell you their hopes for the future of the city as well as their plans to encourage dialogue and true cooperation in our region to help move it forward.

Regional cooperation

Their vision for The Magic City

Answers include Smitherman’s response to The Birmingham News on her vision for the city.

You can always visit the Election ’07 section of the site to learn more information.

NOTE: While it is our intention to have the candidates pages completed by the end of the day, our intentions to attend this evening’s forum at WorkPlay may make that impossible. If the pages are not up by 4 p.m. this evening, assume that the pages will be turned on by 9 a.m. tomorrow morning. All ten (10) candidates will have profile pages.

Election ’07: It’s getting there

We’re slowly adding features to the Election ’07 site. We’ve actually started using the blog this morning, asking what should be the most important question about the race:

Just what are the issues?

Yesterday we learned that William Bell and Ray Brooks will also be participating in our online forum, joining those that we announced yesterday.

Finally, later this morning we’ll also be adding an Election ’07 calendar to the site’s sidebar that will list upcoming candidate events. We only have two to start the list, so if you’re a candidate you may just want to send your schedule in to us so we can share it with everybody else.

Election ’07: A Submit your questions update

NOTE: Hear their answers to your questions on our Election ’07 site!

We wanted to let you know what was going on with our proposed interviews with the mayoral candidates. We have currently received commitments from Valerie Abbott, Patrick Cooper and Carole Smitherman to participate in our podcast interviews. We have also been contacted by representatives from Mayor Kincaid’s campaign, though we have not been able to secure a commitment from him as of yet. It is our intention to begin posting their answers to your questions on our election site this coming Friday, September 14. We will have answers being posted by Monday, September 17.

If you’d like your candidate to participate, you may want to contact them and encourage them to do so.

Election ’07: One last push for questions for the candidates

Election 2007 Logo
We’ve had a rather boring button located over on the far right corner of the page for the better part of a month trying to get folks to submit questions for the mayoral candidates using this form. So we figured we’d debut our really cool Election ’07 logo. Smile

(NOTE: When our site launches later this evening, this button will go live, as will the button we have for the sidebar.)

UPDATE: Hear their answers to your questions NOW on our Election ’07 site!

We also wanted to say thanks to all who’ve taken the time to submit their questions.

Now we’ve also mentioned our partnership with Catalyst in sharing our questions for the candidates forum scheduled for September 18. Well, we’re making one more plea for questions before we retire the page (and so that they’ll have some more questions for their forum). (You really want to read what’s after the jump)

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