Category Archives: Online

How much will that drive cost?

Considering all of the recent talk about rising gas prices and getting from point A to point B, especially after this weekend’s panic, we thought you’d want to check out this page. This results page gives details about driving from Birmingham to Salem, OR, but the site allows you to see just how much gas (and money) it would take for you to get pretty much anywhere you’re headed. It could come in handy, especially when the holiday season starts up.

The Encyclopedia of Alabama launches (officially)

Encyclopedia of Alabama logo - Courtesy of websiteWe always plug our relationship with BhamWiki whenever we can. Today there was an official unveiling of what it would be like if the folks at the Wiki ever got a large grant to help supplement it. The Encyclopedia of Alabama was formally launched by Governor Riley today at the Alabama Humanities Foundation Leadership Summit and Awards Luncheon in Hoover (though the site’s been up and active since February). We’re interested in hearing what you think about it – and thanks to GoodCourage for giving up the head’s up. You can always direct message us via Twitter or any of the other contact methods with news tips and story ideas.

Facebook friends unite!

The United Way of Central Alabama has launched a new group on Facebook and they want you to join and help them spread the word.

It is a Causes page that is part of this year’s annual campaign. They’re trying to bolster the number of members in part because tomorrow they’re asking their followers on Facebook to change their profile image in an effort to make even more folks aware of their efforts. We’re looking into doing some redecorating ourselves for the day. Head on over and check it out!

Bhamwiki’s now on Twitter

A lot of folks love the nuggets made available on our site weekeday mornings courtesy of BhamWiki. Now they’ve made it so you can get information from them even more often.

They’ve recently created their own BhamWiki Twitter profile, we think in part to expose people to everything that’s on it. We also think it’s a great way to maybe get some more folks interested in getting involved with the project. We’re definitely planning to use the wiki more often as our site begins to morph yet again.

A cleaner online bookstore

Screenshot of Books-A-Million

Birmingham-based bookseller Books-A-Million has gotten their website redesigned by Zeldman and Happy Cog Studios.

That’s all, unless you want to go and take a look at it that is…

An auspicious social media day

I wanted to take a moment to remind you that today is 08.08.08, considered an auspicious day to many. Not only is it the opening day of the Summer Olympics in Beijing, but it’s also the day announced for the latest installment of Another 24 hours of Flickr. Click on the image below to learn more information and see how you can participate.

888 logo from

If you want folks to know what you’re doing during the opening day of the Olympics and you use Twitter, you’ll want to make sure that you add #080808 to your tweets and check out this blog post from the folks at the microblogging service to find out how to track. And we’re not even talking about how many folks getting married today

The new search engine on the block

There are a few folks this morning that are enjoying the newest search engine out there, Cuil. Taking its name from an old Irish word meaning knowledge, one reason for the buzz is because it was built by former Google employees.

Compare the results from Google and Cuil for Birmingham, AL. Then let us know what you think.