Stan Chapman of Huntsville turns his flank steak over during the “Anything but Butt” competition Friday. Bob Farley/f8photo
Visit the event’s Timetable listing to learn more about it and tonight’s lineup.
Stan Chapman of Huntsville turns his flank steak over during the “Anything but Butt” competition Friday. Bob Farley/f8photo
Visit the event’s Timetable listing to learn more about it and tonight’s lineup.
Posted in 35222, Alabama, Birmingham, Events, food
Some folks forget that we have a farmers market that’s been open daily in town for years. If you’re wide awake and you’re wondering what to do this morning before the heat settles in again today, you may want to head over to the Alabama Farmers Market (344 Finley Avenue) and enjoy their second annual Family & Friends Festival.
If you read this a little later in the morning, you’ve got until 1 p.m. to get over there to enjoy free hot dogs, chips & sodas, live music, food samples, grilling demonstrations, kids activities… (taking breath), and the best tasting tomato & heaviest tomato contests.
Posted in 35204, Alabama, Birmingham, Events, food
List of door prizes available here.
Comments Off on The Countdown: T-minus 4 days…
Posted in 35222, Alabama, Birmingham, Events, The Terminal, update
Scott Bennett’s Red Dot Series potter. Bob Farley/f8photo
For those looking for a quieter way to spend this evening than our first two options, check out this post over on Timetable so you can find out where you can see this artwork.