Category Archives: Citywide

Mona is euthanized

Mona the elephantThe Birmingham News is reporting that Mona the elephant, a longtime resident at the Birmingham Zoo, was euthanized this morning.

She was believed to be at least 56 years old and had been having problems standing in her exhibit space recent days.

Susie, her longtime companion, died in January 2005.

Election ’07: Abbott signs in transit

Thanks to Curtis, we have this image of Valerie Abbott signs in transit from earlier today:

Abbott signs in transit Continue reading

Election ’07: One announces, another tests the water

William BellThis weekend current Birmingham City Councilor and former interim mayor William Bell announced his plans to run for mayor. The announcement was made in the Sunday edition of The Birmingham News.

We reported earlier this month that a website was “parked” by Bell and that signs had already begun appearing throughout the city. As of 9:15 a.m. this morning, the site was now not available for viewing at all, a sure sign that it will be operational in the coming days after content is added. We will update you when we are aware of its launch. Continue reading

The Magic City tied for 25th sweatiest

You’d think that there were enough "most" polls out there, but we’ve found one more. As people prepare to enjoy a hot day out and around the metropolitan area (whether you’re downtown for City Stages or catching that sale out on 280), we’ve been deemed as the 25th sweatiest city in the U.S.

At least that’s what Old Spice has determined that we’re worthy of the honor. Who’s the sweatiest city? That honor would once again go to Phoenix, AZ. They’ve incidentally "won" the honor four out of the six years that the company has been doing the survey. 

City Stages 2007: It begins

We’re going to break a cardinal rule of this medium: we’re going to apologize for the lack of information posted on this site in recent days. We have been trying to create an online guide for City Stages that is quite unique.

It is operational enough for people to begin using it this afternoon. Go on over and pass it on if you can. We wanted to give you something that would let you simply click on a site to hear the artists. We also wanted to encourage dialogue, so if you have a web enabled phone or PDA, you can comment about the band you’re watching or the festival in general. Continue reading

Langford to enter mayor’s race

Sounds like we’re going to get our second official candidate for mayor tomorrow afternoon. The Birmingham News reported yesterday that Jefferson County Commissioner Larry Langford intends to announce his candidacy for mayor tomorrow morning during the commission’s weekly meeting. Continue reading

Check out the Magic City MySpace Directory!

We’re in the process of opening up some new sections of The Terminal that were "under construction" this evening and tomorrow. The first of those sections is the Magic City MySpace Directory. Continue reading