Category Archives: Alabama

A look back: September 25

September 25:

A year ago on this date, Russ and Dee Fine were fired during their morning radio talk show on WYDE-FM.

In 2004:

Babec pose

The Birmingham Zoo‘s Babec became the first gorilla to have a pacemaker. Click here to hear a WBHM story from 2005 about the gorilla’s progress to that point.

It’s also the birthday of the Cahaba River National Wildlife Refuge (2002) and of Auburn football coach Shug Jordan.


Magic City Question: A new grocery store downtown? No, not yet

It’s been a while since Torme’s doors closed in Birmingham’s city center, taking away the area’s only immediate grocery option. While stores like The Neighborhood Market fill portions of the growing downtown population’s needs, many still long for a “major” grocery store to serve the needs of area loft dwellers and small business owners.

Many had placed hope in reports saying that Publix was considering locations downtown. Well, this morning’s Birmingham News reports that we’ll just have to wait a little longer as the Lakeland, FL-based chain has decided to not move forward on two potential locations. Developers say there are other options; what would your choice be?

Election ’07: Online poll update

Hey, just a note regarding voting in our Election ’07 poll. We are aware that people will be using the same computer at times to vote in this poll, however…

multiple votes from the same IP address will not be counted if it is found that the same person has voted using several different email addresses!

We just thought that we needed to say that based on some of the entries that have come in during the last hour.


A look around the station: The Loaf likes Charles’ comments

They at least like them enough to link to this post over on my Birmingham. Charles Buchanan’s comments come after a visit two weekends ago to our neighbor to the east and André’s piece on urban fabric. It’s an interesting piece and they’re taking a look at it today, so why don’t you?

NOTE: Charles is a regular contributor to the site, normally over on Timetable and the guy who came up with the cool Terminal Station print for the site.

Speaking of Timetable, we’re trying to play catch up to all of the things going on around town. We’re also wanting to shine a spotlight on one local artist’s attempts to expand our city’s reviews of art shows. M. Blue Horn has begun posting podcasts to her personal site and… well head on over and find out.

Just in case you needed another good reason to vote on October 9…

I voted stickerWe ran into the folks from The Bottletree this weekend at Pepper Place and they told us that anyone that comes in on Election Day (Tuesday, October 9) who has

a) voted, and
b) has an “I Voted” sticker on that’s been handed out that day

would receive a free beer!

So what are you waiting for… if you haven’t already registered, click here to download the state registration form. You can also visit our election coverage site, though we’re not completely finished with it either.

BTW: If you know of any other specials being done for those who have voted, put it up as a comment to this post. Thanks!

A look back: September 24

September 24:

Former State Representative George Huddleston, Jr died on this date in 1971.


bhamwiki logo

A look back: September 23

September 23:



The Birmingham Post-Herald published its final edition.

It is also the date of long-time columnist Clettus Atkinson‘s birthday (1919).
