Tag Archives: staff

The Terminal staff meeting, Java and Jams

So, you want to join this motley crew of writers? Cool, because we’re going to need a lot more folks like you in the coming year to keep this thing going…

We’re looking for anyone that has a true passion and love for Birmingham, Alabama, its metropolitan area and all that it has to offer. Our submissions section (recently edited – check for the changes) offers a little more information about what we’re looking for in each section – and know that we’re not just looking for writers either. Photographers, video folks, people that like to podcast – all are welcome.

We still can’t pay you yet, and we’re not going to be too picky, though if you could forward us a sample of your writing, photographs and/or videos, that would even be better.

So come on out to Java and Jams (321 20th Street North) buy some coffee and let’s start a conversation in this city.