Tag Archives: Rob Needham

Random shots: Getting ready for tomorrow

easter Rob NeedhamMichael Needham, 4, admires his handiwork, viz. his freshly dyed Easter eggs, while others soak in their coffee mug vats.

For those looking for other ways to enjoy this relaxing Saturday in Birmingham, AL, you’ve still got time to get to Ensley for their 3rd annual Easter Parade and Gospel Concert. The parade starts at 12 p.m. and the concert begins shortly afterward.

Need some other idea (or have some you’d like to share)? Head on over to this week’s got plans post over on Timetable.

BTW, if you feel so compelled to share your photos from this weekend, send them into photos@bhamterminal.com.

Photo: Rob Needham. Email submission to bhamterminal.