Tag Archives: gathering

Bell to hold open meeting for young professionals

Birmingham, Alabama logoBirmingham mayor William Bell has announced – via the city’s Twitter account – that he will be holding a meeting with young professionals at Urban Standard on Thursday at 12 p.m. According to the follow-up tweet posted by the city’s public information office, the hope is that those in attendance will be willing to “share your ideas, concerns and vision for the future for Birmingham.”

We’re just happy for the folks at the popular lunchtime spot as they’ll be packed on Thursday with both young professionals interested in sharing what they want for the city showing up and the regular crowd. It will be the second public meeting held by the mayor announced via Twitter since being sworn in last Tuesday.

Logo: City of Birmingham

UPDATE: We figured we’d ask you to share what you’d suggest or talk to Mayor Bell about over on Magic City Question.

Be Terminally Happy tonight…

Terminally Happy Hour 300In case you didn’t know, we’re hosting our first ever Terminally Happy Hour this evening over at The Bottletree. We’ve learned a couple of things since we first announced this event…

The Bottletree’s going to run happy hour prices until 8 p.m., meaning that we’ve actually got an extra hour for the event (thanks guys!)

There’s going to be a Mystery Science Theater 3000 marathon afterwards (here’s the info courtesy of The Bottletree).

So come on out, enjoy the patio, the Magic City Manhattan (bourbon, sweet vermouth, and a splash of bitters) and the company of fellow readers and members of our staff!

If you feel like letting us know if you’re going to be there, RSVP via our invites on MySpace or Facebook.