Tag Archives: AL

Because we don’t want you to be hungry

Krispy Kreme glazedWhy else would we make sure that you know about free ice cream day and free pancake day? Today we’re making sure you know about free doughnut day. The first Friday in June is always National Doughnut Day. Really, I’m not making this up. Head to your nearest Krispy Kreme (here are the metro area locations) and pick up a chocolate glazed or raspberry-filled treat. It’s your choice. And because those doughnuts are made hot and fresh all day long, don’t worry that you missed out on breakfast. You can stop by for an afternoon snack or make it your lunch. We’re not judging, just enjoying.

A look back: June 6


Librarian Jean Glenn was born.


Most of the site for 29 Seven was purchased at auction.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo

City Stages goes green

recycle logoThe Alabama Environmental Council and Waste Management are partnering to encourage attendees to this year’s City Stages festival to recycle. There will be seven (7) recycling stations throughout the festival site (staffed by volunteers in the evenings) asking festival goers to recycle plastic and aluminum cans.

Just keep an eye out for the Think Green t-shirts on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings between 6 – 10 p.m. Of course you could win your way in to see what it’s like – your last chance to enter to win two sets of passes to the festival will be at about 5:15 tomorrow afternoon!

A look back: June 4


Jim Wells was named Alabama‘s baseball coach.


Josh Hancock was selected in the 3rd round of the MLB draft.

Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com logo

Friday the 13th, Sloss Furnaces


The folks at Sloss Furnaces have decided to take advantage of the date on the calendar (and being one of the most haunted venues in the region) by showing the 1980 classic horror film. Just in time to start planning to watch the new film due out in 2009.

They’ll show the film in the cast shed, provide chairs if you don’t want to bring your own, and free popcorn! You’ll also be able to bring in your own food and drink. A great spooky venue indeed…

For more information please visit their website or call 205.324.1911.

Cost: $5

Sloss Furnaces National Historic Landmark (directions)

Finding way to stay cool over on Timetable

The fountain in Linn Park. acnatta/Flickr

Photo: The fountain at Linn Park. acnatta/Flickr.

While some would like to use the fountain in Linn Park to stay cool, but we’re pretty sure that the folks in City Hall would appreciate it if you didn’t. Charles figured that he’d offer a few suggestions for places that wouldn’t mind seeing you visit to keep cool (and hopes you’ll add to his list) over on Timetable.

On the agenda: Shortening of meetings begin

It’s a fairly quiet agenda for our city councilors here in Birmingham today, with item 6 addressing an issue that has been getting a lot of attention recently. Last week’s City Council meeting lasted nearly seven hours, definitely giving a reason for the council president to submit a proposal moving all Council presentations and commendations to the first Council meeting of each month. It had been included in last week’s agenda but a vote was delayed.

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