Tag Archives: AL

EcoFest is this week

We’ve noticed that a lot of folks are looking for information about this year’s EcoFest, scheduled for Thursday evening at WorkPlay. We’ve got some more information about this year’s event over on destinations, our new online calendar (be gentle, it’s still in beta). We’d also like to direct you to their online auction, already open where you’ve got chance to bid on several items in advance, including the ones listed here (there are a lot, so we’d rather let you take a look yourselves – it may entice you).

We’ve also got some other great news for Terminal readers – the first 20 people that call the Southern Environmental Center at  205.226.4934 and say that they heard about this year’s event from The Terminal will qualify for half price tickets. Full price tickets are $50/person.

Avoiding foreclosure workshops scheduled

As the stock market continues to take us on a roller coaster ride, many in Birmingham, particularly on our city’s east side, are having a big issue with foreclosures. The Citizens Advisory Board and some Birmingham neighborhood presidents were impressed with a recent presentation on foreclosure by the Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce. So impressed in fact that these groups felt it was important to get the word out to other neighborhoods in cooperation with Neighborhood Housing Services. City residents will have several opportunities to attend these workshops in the coming weeks.

Check out dates and locations after the jump:

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Check to see if your flight’s on-time

Screenshot of new Birmingham International Airport homepage.

A pending name change and a planned expansion also means an updated website for Birmingham International Airport. The change in design comes with one new feature that will make those that use the airport regularly a little happier – real-time flight tracking on the homepage allowing people to see if they’ll be leaving on time and if they need to get there a little earlier to pick up folks as they arrive. And if it’s not already up there, you can always look it up with their new Flightview function.

Vote The Terminal one of Birmingham’s Best!

We wanted to thank those of you who nominated The Terminal for best website in this year’s Birmingham’s Best poll. We are now one of five sites in the running – and we hope that you can help us enjoy a good showing this year. Just head on over to AL.com and cast your vote for your choice for best website and at least 9 other categories before midnight October 12. The form is only available online this year and we’d appreciate your help in getting the word out to anyone and everyone you know.

Thanks in advance for your continued support of The Terminal – we’re happy to be included with the other sites.

FYI – We’ll have a few new things to show off to you on Monday morning, including a return (although in beta) of our calendar – complete with a few new twists. We’ll let you discover just what some of the other new features are on your own.

Drink beer, help environment… sweet!

Next time you’re out and about, look for the fish. SweetWater Brewing Company has teamed up with local bars here and in Tuscaloosa to declare October Save the Black Warrior month. Participating businesses will be selling paper fish for $1 and $5 as well as special edition T-shirts. Funds raised will support Black Warrior Riverkeeper‘s river patrol and water quality monitoring programs.

Kick-off for the Birmingham campaign is 10 p.m. tonight at Zydeco in Southside. Tickets are $10 at the door. The Dynamites featuring Charles Walker will headline. The campaign’s Tuscaloosa kick-off event will be at 9:30 pm on Oct. 16 at Jupiter Bar and Grill with the Athens, Ga., reggae pioneers Dubconscious.

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Vote for East Lake

Well, you’re actually voting for the design of the new East Lake banners, done by local graphic designer Christian Bizarth in this year’s Cooper Hewitt National Design Awards as a People’s Design Award nominee. The design “is a landscape of the community of East Lake which includes East Lake and Ruffner Mountain Nature Preserve in Birmingham, Alabama. The artist has captured the ebb and flow of lake water and then complements it with Ruffner Mountain’s ridge.

The banners currently extend through the community, which was incorporated in 1900 and annexed into the city of Birmingham in 1910, along 1st Avenue North.

Fleabomb’s going to be OK too

The difference is that it won’t be as frequent. So says the founder of Birmingham’s original alternative online website, Stanley Holditch, in a recent post on its current incarnation. We know it’s been up for a while, but we felt obligated to point it out to those of you that didn’t know. it’s a rough time here for media of all types as we say goodbye to WBHM’s Steve Chiotakis tomorrow morning, farewell to AL.com’s Grant Cannon as he heads off to Chicago today, and this. We’re didn’t think of Stanley’s post as a farewell, especially with the pictures of his newborn, but we think the least y’all should do is stop on over and tell him how much you appreciate what he’s done for Birmingham.