Category Archives: The Terminal

UPDATE: So, about our t-shirts…

UPDATE: 4.18.2008, 9 p.m., We figured it was time to let you know that we actually have started selling t-shirts in house…Click here to learn more about it. UPDATE: 12.18.2007, 10 a.m., After some discussions with our supplier, we’ve decided to hold off on launching our new store until mid-January. They have assured me that anyone that orders any of the shirts currently available will receive them within 7 business days. While that may not necessarily get you a shirt in time for Christmas Day, you can extend the giving season through those twelve days of Christmas…This is also where I remind you that black short-sleeve Terminal Ts are currently available at Highlands Trading Company in Five Points South and beginning today at Java and Jams downtown (20th Street near 4th Avenue North). The price will be between $18 – $20 a piece.

We just found out that some of you that ordered Terminal Ts have not received them. We have just learned of the problem and apologize profusely (yes, I just used the word profusely in a blog post). I’m aware that you’ve been refunded your payments; if you haven’t, please let me know. If you are still interested in purchasing a t-shirt to show your love for Birmingham’s hub for conversation (especially during these final days of the holiday season), I’ve got two possible solutions. I’ll have some black t-shirts with me on Thursday over at Bottletree if you’re interested for $15 a piece. Your second option is to visit our new online store tomorrow morning and pick up a shirt there (though it will cost a little more).If you’re wanting a shirt in a different color (including, starting tomorrow, orange) , a long sleeve shirt, or just want to see what else we came up with to put the logo on, the online store may be the better option. Plus, if you’re interested in getting those items as Christmas gifts, there’s still time to order them and have them arrive. 

So we’re going to have a little get-together

Terminal Red logoWe figured that since everybody else was throwing a holiday party, why not the new kid on the block! Though we’re not quite as established as our fellow media outlets in town (read: no money), we thought it would be cool to swarm an area venue and give folks a chance to meet up and say hello before the holidays got away from us. So, this Thursday (December 20), 5 p.m. at The Bottletree, we’ll hope that some folks decide to come on out for Happy Hour!

We’ve got invites floating out there on Facebook, MySpace and Pass it along to others if you can. We realize it’s last minute so we may not see many folks, but we figured we’d give it a shot. If we don’t get a chance to say hello in person and pick up a t-shirt for a gift this holiday season (more on that later today), thanks for checking out the site. We really appreciate it.

The Terminal’s Holiday Get-together, The Bottletree

So we finally decided that we should do something to celebrate the holiday season with our readers. We’re not rolling in as much dough as some may think, so it suddenly dawned on us that we should find something cool going on and ask our readers to swarm it.

We took a gander at The Bottletree’s calendar of events for next week and figured that Thursday’s planned Christmas comedy special themed evening would be perfect! Sort of a pay it forward to a venue that was very kind to us as we got started this year.

So if you haven’t figured out something else to do yet, come on over and say hi! If enough folks show up, you may even be able to get André to go against Greg in the Christmas carol duel to the death… well, maybe.

We’ll bring the box of Terminal Ts in case some folks are interested in purchasing one ($15 for the holidays – and yes, the price will be changed on the site for the shirts by tomorrow morning).

You know you’re thinking about it…

If you want to let us know you’re coming, click on one of these links and RSVP (you don’t really have to, but we’d love to know if you’re coming)



Cost: $0 (though you may want to think about buying some drinks)

The Bottletree (current schedule)
3719 3rd Avenue South (directions)

Introducing the express

The Express - iContactCommunity screenshot

Screenshot of  the first edition of the express. Courtesy of The Terminal’s iContactCommunity page. 

the express, The Terminal’s weekly newsletter, made its debut in inboxes throughout metro Birmingham and the world yesterday afternoon. The weekly email gives subscribers a chance to know some of what’s going on behind the scenes of Birmingham’s hub for conversation while occasionally giving you a heads up about happenings around town.

We’ve made subscribing for this service very easy; we’re simply asking that you use the box that is currently in the middle column of our front page. If you missed the first one coming into your box, you’ll be happy to know that we’re currently operating as a beta tester for iContactCommunity – here’s our profile. This service allows you to not only see the html edition of the publication, it lets you comment on the piece, vote for it, pass it along to friends and of course, provide another spot for you to subscribe.

Sign up, test it out, and let us know what you think. We’ll have some more announcements in the coming days.

From the Stationmaster: Blogging from Vegas

Yeah, I’m in Vegas, baby!

No, I’m not trying to win money to run the site (though I’m still thinking about it Smile), I’m making connections and working on updates and improvements to the site in the coming months by attending BlogWorld Expo at the Las Vegas Convention Center.

It is being called the largest blogging and new media conference that has ever been held. Right now I’m listening to a conversation with the creator of the platform used to run our site – Matt Mullenweg of Automattic ( We’ve already struck some verbal commitments on some great additions to The Terminal in the coming months. I’m going to write about his comments on my personal blog either later today or tomorrow morning (for those that are wondering, yes this will be the official relaunch of Dre’s Ramblings – even though I’m not quite finished laying out the site).

Part 2 of our survey results review will be up this evening beginning at 7:30 p.m. Part 1 is already up and it’s been referenced by Sam Davidson at Cool People Care (thanks!).

Enjoy the ride over there!

The Terminal’s all a – Twitter

We’re in the process of making some changes to our site in the coming days… nothing too major, just adding some additional pages that we need to and making some minor tweaks to our sections.

As part of the changes we figured it was time for us to join the world of Twitter.

Our new Twitter address is also available on our contact page, to which we’ll be adding some more ways to keep in touch with us as we go forward. If you want to be kept abreast of what’s going on in the world of The Terminal on your cell phone or via IM, head on over to the service’s info page on the topic.

Otherwise, just sign up and get ready for yet another way to know when you can come on over.

Yeah, we timed this on purpose – Music on Timetable

Through the Sparks

It’s raining, it’s Wednesday; it’s less than an hour from being able to go home. So why not click on over to Timetable, check out the first part of the new look, turn up the volume if you have access to speakers and take a listen to the newest video from Skybucket Records recording act Through the Sparks – Falling out of Favor with the Neighbors as our first sidebar video of the week.

You know you want to…