Category Archives: The Terminal

Launch party update: Congrats to Ronald McDonald House

We’re about to turn on the archives, but we’d like to officially announce that the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Alabama was selected by the majority of the 381 people that took the time to vote last week to be the beneficiary of this year’s Happy Hour for a Cause event at The Bottletree. We’d like to thank everyone that voted and hope that you’ll stay tuned to The Terminal as more details about the fund raiser/launch party on August 29 is available.

Launch party update: The Bottletree on August 29th!

We’re holding our “post-launch” party at The Bottletree on Wednesday, August 29!

It will also double as the second annual Happy Hour for a Cause – and this year you’re choosing who gets to benefit from the event.

Click here to learn about the nominees!

If you have not already voted for a charity, please check out our front page and vote now. Used cell phones will also be collected at the door to donate to the Hopeline project.

We’ll get started at 5 p.m. and keep going until 8 p.m., (though we may be there after that). The folks over there will be kind enough to let us enjoy happy hour prices during the event as well as some specials (we’ll also have some appetizers to snack on).

We’ve got another crazy idea with regards to this event – which we’ll share later on this week.

Just start spreading the word!

From the Stationmaster: A launch party update (among other things)

Thanks to all that have voted so far in our poll for the launch party. If you haven’t please visit this post to get more information and then go back to the front page and cast your vote. Stay tuned because we’ll announce where the event’s going to be held tomorrow morning…

Speaking of launch parties…

Tomorrow, on Timetable:

Boom Boom Teaser

Big Julie’s Boom Boom Cocktail Room and Debate Club. We’ll activate a link here when it goes live. But in the meantime, go on over and check out some of the newer posts.

We need more questions!

We’re also still looking for more submissions of questions to ask the 2007 mayoral candidates. For those that have come on over because of the happy hour poll, click here to learn more about it. We’ve promised to share the questions with Catalyst for their upcoming September forum, so that gave us a reason to extend the deadline for submitting questions until this Friday, August 10. You can either click on the button located on the right side of the screen or click here to visit the submission page directly.

Photo credit:Bob Farley/f8photo

Take a Moment: Happy Hour for a Cause nominees

I’d like to take this opportunity to once again thank everyone that took the time to share their nominees for this poll question. We did whittle down the list as well as consider entries that were sent in via email and telephone before the 11:59 p.m. deadline on Saturday. Pop on over to my Birmingham and find out what was in our minds as figured it out.

The poll will magically appear at 3 p.m. today on the front page. If you click on the read more link, you will see links to all of the groups included in the poll. Stay tuned also for final details about our post-launch party on August 29.

NOTE: The poll will run until 11:59 p.m. this Friday!

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From the Stationmaster: about this week’s poll question

Good morning everybody!

I’m extremely grateful for the nominations that were submitted both through the comments function and via e-mail. As stated in the post that explained the reason we were taking those comments, the deadline for suggestions was 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, so while we’re thankful for those that are still submitting comments, they will not be considered in creating the list of choices.

The poll will be opened at 3 p.m. this afternoon. We’ll post the website addresses of the charities included as well as a link to a post on my Birmingham that explains the method behind the madness at that time.

We’ll see you then.

So why pick a charity?

We recently asked that people to pick a charity, but we never exactly told you why. Well, now we’re telling – we’re planning to have you vote for which nonprofit will benefit from our official launch party on Wednesday, August 29. This will also serve as the second annual Happy Hour for a Cause. If you want to learn more about where this all stemmed from, click here to check out Andre’s blog post from last year over on Dre’s Ramblings. We’re just changing the focus a little this year.

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Take a moment: Pick a charity

We’d like to pick your brains and ask you what your favorite charity is in metro Birmingham (and why).

Please post your answers in the comments section. There is a method to our madness… Depending on the answers that we get we’ll be letting you know why in a couple of days. (at least what the next step will be – if we need it).