Category Archives: Regionwide

We’re crunching numbers today

We bet you’re wondering why the site’s even quieter than it has been recently. Well, we’re sure that many of you had no idea that we were conducting a survey about issues that are affecting area young professionals as well as what made them most excited about living in The Magic City. Yeah, we were, in conjunction with YP NOW in preparation for an event tomorrow evening that brings together those young professionals as well as elected, community and business leaders from around the Birmingham metropolitan area.

We’ve heard of several things going on around town and we’re going to try our best to be sure that we cover it all… it’s just going to take us another hour to finish organizing these numbers so they can be presented (at least in raw form) tomorrow evening. We hope you understand… and we will be making sure that you know what the results are as well over the next few days.

UPDATED: The drive’s getting shorter (sort of)

Corridor X signage

Future Corridor X signage near AL mile marker 57. Photo credit: André  Natta

The word came down earlier this week that two (2) sections of Corridor X (a.k.a. the future I-22) are scheduled to be opened to the public just in time for the holiday travel season. You can now count on enjoying those 4 lanes of limited highway access to Memphis to Jasper beginning November 14, leaving only 5 more miles to be completed to connect it to I-65.

A road widening project for where the interchange will be installed is already starting, with that final stretch of road to be completed by 2010 according to state transportation officials. The folks in Mississippi seem really excited as evidenced by this story that originally ran in the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal yesterday.

UPDATE 11.5.2007, 10:15:58 a.m., Post updated to include picture.

Former commissioner indicted, arrested this morning

Former Jefferson County Commissioner Gary White has been arrested this morning on federal bribery charges according to The Birmingham News and Fox 6. He is the third former county commissioner to face federal charges; the other two have been convicted.

There’s sure to be more information about this in the coming hours from all of our news outlets.

Election ’07: Langford extends olive branch to County Commission

Larry Langford returned to the County Commission today in triumph with a warm-and-fuzzy moment with fellow commissioners, who celebrated his decisive win in Tuesday’s mayoral election.

As Birmingham’s mayor-elect, Langford immediately extended an olive branch across the table to his colleagues, saying he would need their help to carry out initiatives that will move the city and region forward.

“Everybody knows that as Birmingham goes, so goes the region,” he said “For Birmingham to move forward, I need the help of this commission. I know we have a history of not agreeing on everything in the past, and we don’t have to agree on everything now. But I think there are some things we can agree on and work together.”

Commission President Bettye Fine Collins and the other commissioners reciprocated with a resolution pledging to work cooperatively with Langford. They unanimously passed the resolution during Thursday’s special session.

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Transit riders get a reprieve

It appears that Councilman (and mayoral candidate) William Bell‘s question about whether or not the transit rate hike that went into effect on Monday morning being legal has led to good news for passengers and questions of timing by those running against him for the mayor’s office.

The Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority’s board yesterday voted to rescind the 25¢ hike, returning the charge to ride on the system to $1. The increase would have been the first one for the system in 12 years.

Proponents say that the fare increase is necessary due to increasing costs and that without additional funding sources, reductions in staffing and routes may be needed.

Even though we already know what the Magic City Question is going to be today, we figured we’d ask one a little early:

What would it take to get you to use our transit system more than you do now (if at all)? 

The readers have spoken, sort of

Reader’s Choice logoEven though we won’t know the results until next Friday, it’s interesting to note that the online voting for The Birmingham News’ 2007 Readers’ Choice Awards over on is complete. One take is shared here by local blogger Wade Kwon on his site Wade on Birmingham. It’s also the only place where you can see the list of finalists.

We kind of figured that we were just too new to be considered this year, though we are grateful to Matt for thinking us worthy in his list of suggested picks.
Here’s a look at last year’s winners just to let you know who’s trying to defend their crowns. It’s not the Oscars but we’ll be interested to see who wins.

Birmingham’s got a new Catholic bishop

Baker portraitOr at least he will be officially late this afternoon. Robert Baker will be installed as the bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Birmingham  during a 3 p.m. service at St. Paul’s Cathedral downtown. There will be a procession leading into the church including several dignitaries that are mentioned in this brief over on the Decatur Daily website.

The installation service will also be broadcast live over the EWTN Network who will be airing a rebroadcast of the event on Wednesday evening beginning at 11 p.m. for those that are not able to see it today. Or you could just click here and watch it live on your computer screen.
Click here to see a previous post about Bishop Baker here on The Terminal.