Category Archives: politics

Free the Hops bill passed by Alabama State Senate

Visitors trying to Google “Free the Hops” and trying to access their website are currently meeting a 504 error.  We’re thinking it’s because of the traffic being generated by fans of specialty & gourmet beers throughout the state celebrating the passage of HB 373 earlier this afternoon. This afternoon at 2:56 p.m., Free the Hops shared via Twitter words that its supporters have been waiting to hear since it was founded in 2004…


The bill was passed while Senator Hank Erwin was outside of the Senate chamber in Montgomery. The bill currently awaits the signature of Governor Riley. The organization’s making a plea on their blog with additional information about the next step in the process.

Like Father, Like Son

Terminal, Earl Hilliard Jr.

Earl Hilliard Jr. shares a moment with his father and former holder of the 7th Congressional District seat, Earl Hilliard Sr., at Kelly Ingram Park Monday morning after a press conference announcing the junior Hilliard’s candidacy that seat. Hillard Sr. lost his seat to Artur Davis in 2003 who Hilliard Jr. wants to replace. The senior Hilliard held the seat for 10 years and was the first black congressman from Alabama since reconstruction. Earl Hilliard Jr. is a first term State Rep. and was recently named freshman legislator of the year by the House Democratic Caucus.

Photo: Bob Farley/

There’ll be a tea party in Hoover on Tax Day

tea-bagBirmingham will have its own Tax Day Conservative Tea Party in Hoover come April 15th. You may have heard about this effort recently organized by groups like Smart Girl Politics and TCOT (Top Conservatives on Twitter) and promoted on conservative talk radio shows (including Sean Hannity’s and Glenn Beck’s), to protest and expose the alleged bankrupt liberal agenda of the White House Administration and Congress, specifically President Obama’s stimulus bill and his proposed budget.

There will be two rallies in metro Birmingham, with the larger one taking place at Hoover’s Veterans Park from 6:30 – 9 p.m. It will include appearances by local radio personalities Steve and Leah, Matt Murphy and Lee Davis. Conservative radio personality Sean Hannity will also be doing a live stream and interviews from the Veterans Park rally during his radio show that day.

For more information or to volunteer, check out the Facebook page with photos, video and information.

Photo: Jason Permenter/Flickr.

Grocery tax bill vote at 4 p.m.

There’s been a great deal of discussion about Alabama House Bill 116 (including this blog post), the bill that would removing the 4% Alabama state grocery tax while making up for the projected loss in revenue by discontinuing the federal income tax deduction from state income taxes.

Well, we just learned through Twitter (h/t @scottcolecfp) that the bill is being reconsidered at 4 p.m. TODAY! Whether you are for or against the bill, now would be a good time to call your representatives in Montgomery and let them know what you think. The main switchboard # is 334.832.9060.

Hopefully we’ll be able to share what happens with you later on this evening.

Arrington’s back

That’s the simple version of what’s been reported by two outlets in recent days. The recent edition of The Birmingham Times reported on its front page that the former mayor Richard Arrington, Jr. had changed his official residential address back to The Magic City’s Vinesville neighborhood and was thinking about creating a new political coalition based on the Jefferson County Citizens Coalition he founded more than 20 years ago.

Today’s front page story in The Birmingham News digs a little deeper into the situation, getting an interesting response from the former mayor in terms of whether or not he’d consider running for office again in 2011 as well as the current office holder‘s opinions about Arrington’s recent actions.

Free the Hops bill before State Senate tomorrow

UPDATE: 5.14.2009 – This afternoon, the Alabama State Senate passed HB 373 – The Free the Hops bill. Click here for more info.

The folks at Free the Hops just sent a Tweet out a little while ago that will have many in Birmingham and Alabama sitting on the edge of their seats tomorrow. Alabama State Senate Bill No. 132 will be on the calendar for a vote tomorrow. A similar bill, which would raise the alcohol limit to 13.9% passed the Alabama House of Representatives late last week.

The fact that the vote is coming up tomorrow allows us to tout a rather cool feature on the Free the Hops website that allows you to find out who your elected officials are in Montgomery. We’ll keep an eye on their Twitter account tomorrow to see what happens…

Birmingham’s OK, but…

That’s the message that city officials probably heard when they learned that The Birmingham Fund had lost $10 million in the last six months. The sobering  news may provide support to the Birmingham City Council‘s plans to not pledge money to support projects recently presented by Mayor Langford, including several that have been presented to council twice in recent weeks, though according to reports the account is still outperforming the benchmarks set for it.

The council’s current approach will face a challenge if Senator Shelby is successful in getting more monies appropriated for a mass transit solution here in metro Birmingham. The current $100 million will be forfeited soon – for several reasons. It will also face some challenges if stimulus monies are received for projects.