Category Archives: Online

Yes, follow surgery on Twitter

The folks at UAB are providing tweet-by-tweet coverage of a robotic adrenalectomy this morning, October 23. You can follow the procedure, being conducted by Martin J. Heslin, M.D. via their Twitter account, @uabmedicine or via the hashtag #UABOR. Or just click on the links in that previous sentence. To learn more about UAB’s first live-tweeted surgery, check out this entry on their website.

Show your East Lake pride

Some of you may vaguely remember our post about the Keep East Lake Weird campaign back in January. Well, residents have finally found a way to let everyone know just how proud they are about living in the community and its potential.

East Lake Apparel and Gifts is now up and live on the Interwebs giving you access with mugs, t-shirts (even Christmas ornaments).

What to add to Google Street view…

…that’s the question being asked by Google to all of us.

Would you add the grounds at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens? Linn Park? Rickwood Field? The Shades Creek Greenway? Well, here’s your chance to let the folks at Google know what venues in Birmingham, AL (and everywhere else) need to be added. You’ve got until October 28.

Plus, we’d get a chance to check out the Google Street View trike in person. That alone seems to be worth it…

PostSecrets to be revealed at UAB on Thursday

IMG_0583 joelogon/FlickrIf you’re not familiar with the popular blog PostSecret, you may want to click on the link and get acquainted; then you’ll have a reason to be excited about the creator of the site, blogger Frank Warren, being in Birmingham on Thursday evening, October 22.

UAB’s student newspaper, Kaleidoscope, first reported about the lecture, entitled “The Most Trusted Speaker in America: Frank Warren’s ‘PostSecret,’” last week. Warren’s also included the appearance on recent blog posts and in Facebook invitations to his appearances. UAB students get in for free while general admission tickets will be $10.

Photo: IMG_0583 joelogon/Flickr.

Vote for a Birmingham aha moment

aha moment logoNot sure if you remember back in June when the aha moment tour came to Birmingham, AL… Well, now they’ve posted the 75 semi-finalist videos on the project’s official website for consideration. We’ve got until October 15 to make sure that at least one of three videos filmed here in Birmingham is chosen as one of the top 25 finalists. The top 10 chosen from those finalists will be used in Mutual of Omaha’s 2010 television campaign. Thanks to Chris Osborne, one of the subjects of the three videos, for sharing the information earlier this month via Twitter.

Looks like we’ve got some videos to watch soon…

Women’s blogathon continues

Fifteen blogs have participated so far in The Women’s Fund of Greater Birmingham‘s inaugural Blogging Against Violence online event – that we know of. For those who didn’t see it, here’s the post that I wrote last week and here’s how we announced it on the site. This is a reminder that anyone that is interested may write posts and let them know that you’ve written one until this Thursday, October 15.

Incidentally, The Women’s Fund is the subject of an article in Monday morning’s Birmingham News about its programs and direction.

UPDATE: Twitter outage continues

For those wondering why Twitter‘s currently down, the folks at Mashable have an answer for you. BTW, the folks at Twitter are planning to keep you updated as well via their status blog.

UPDATE: Twitter says they are defending themselves against a denial-of-service attack.