Category Archives: Movies

last car: movies and marriage

Just in case you were thought you’d be tempted to visit your local Birmingham Public Library branch on Christmas Eve… nope, not gonna happen. They’re also closed on Christmas Day and New Years Day.

Erik Jambor stepped down from his post at BendFilm in Oregon last month, for those that may be interested and who didn’t know… Yeah, we’re a little late on this one, but we’ve been trying to figure out how to ask him to write film reviews for us over on Timetable before telling you all the news (still hasn’t happened) …

Apparently Bishop Baker of the Diocese of Birmingham had a thing or two to say about The Golden Compass

If you’ve got any money left after buying gifts for the family, you may be able to help out an area church and own a piece of equipment used by former American Idol Bo Bice –

and if you were thinking about showing up in Tuscaloosa County without your Social Security Card to get married anytime soon, don’t

Got weekend plans yet? Well, they’re back in case you don’t…

Well, Christina decided to enjoy last weekend without us, enjoying the holiday with family and friends. She also decided to catch that flu bug that’s going around. No matter, she was determined to give y’all some holiday season suggestions this week – and here they are!

If you haven’t clicked yet to learn about four parades, movies and crafts, well, get over to Timetable and check it out!

You might also want to check out the calendar listing for The Show tomorrow night at Matthew’s downtown!

Film screening, The Playhouse

So you were too sick/out of town/had to mow the dead grass and just couldn’t make it downtown in September for the 2007 Sidewalk Moving Picture Festival? Lucky you. The folks at Filament Artists are hosting a screening party featuring some of local shorts you missed.

WHEN: Thursday, November 15th @ 6:45pm (films start at 7:30pm)
WHERE: The Playhouse (1816 3rd Ave. North | 205-566-3667)
WHAT: A screening of short films featuring CUP OF JOE by Chris Hilleke, LUNCH by James Brown, FROM THE FILES OF A VERY CONCERNED PSYCHOLOGIST by Sam Frazier Jr., COLLECTION by Clint Till, PALSTER by Brent Davis, HIGH EXPECTATIONS by Yuri Shapochka and more.

Beverage cup and snacks available with $5 donation. Limited seating.

Sidewalk Salon, Rojo

Tonight’s topic, Music and Your Film– How Soundtracks Can Make or Break a Scene, will feature local composer Annie Brunson sharing her experiences and wisdom on setting the mood to a film. There will also be a couple of reps from Apple telling you about some of their amazing programs that can help you create your own soundtrack!

For those not familiar with the Salons, they provide an opportunity for Birmingham’s filmmaking community to meet, greet, listen and discuss. According to Sidewalk’s description, “Guest speakers and topics provide a focus to each meeting, while the social environment of Rojo gives friends and colleagues a reason to get together monthly to talk about upcoming projects.” So head on over there!

Cost: $0 (includes snacks, the bar’s open too)


2921 Highland Avenue, South (directions)

“Let’s Scare Jessica to Death”, Rojo

Part of the Steak Verhoeven Film Club’s ongoing series at Rojo in Highland Park, this film helps us all celebrate Halloween in that deeply psychological way that makes all the sense in the world (sort of). Here’s the description of the 1971 film courtesy of the email announcing the event:

A woman released from a mental hospital moves to an old countryside house with her husband and a friend to recuperate, but begins having strange visions and experiences around the property. Is there really something strange happening, or is it all in her in mind?

Rojo has promised Halloween shooters, candy and caramel apples. It’s just one of several options to entertain yourselves on Halloween night. You could also always check out the film’s fansite.

There are options this weekend

You just need to know where to look. And in a metro area of more than 1 million people, there are some other things going on this weekend that may draw crowds, though probably none as large as The Magic City Classic.

Christina’s got her picks  ready and waiting as usual for you over on Timetable.

Two chances to see “It’s A Thick Book” tonight

Tonight folks have two opportunities to learn more about “the longest, biggest, heaviest constitution in the world” at screenings of “It’s a Thick Book,” an entertaining and informative documentary on the subject.

The Hoover High School Auditorium will show the documentary at 6:30 p.m. while Mountain Brook High School‘s Fine Arts Center will present it at 7:00 p.m.

Check out this trailer for the film:

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="326" wmode="transparent" /]

It’s less than hour long and is a good introduction to the issue of reforming the state’s constitution.

If you can’t go, you can always watch the video online by clicking here.