Category Archives: environmental

City Stages goes green

recycle logoThe Alabama Environmental Council and Waste Management are partnering to encourage attendees to this year’s City Stages festival to recycle. There will be seven (7) recycling stations throughout the festival site (staffed by volunteers in the evenings) asking festival goers to recycle plastic and aluminum cans.

Just keep an eye out for the Think Green t-shirts on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings between 6 – 10 p.m. Of course you could win your way in to see what it’s like – your last chance to enter to win two sets of passes to the festival will be at about 5:15 tomorrow afternoon!

Hazardous Waste Day — Yea!

Today is the day to clean out the garage. Jefferson County officials will be accepting hazardous waste Saturday at three locations from 8 a.m. to noon: Centerpoint Courthouse, Birmingham Fairgrounds and the Bessemer Civic Center.

Here’s a list of materials that will be accepted provided by the Alabama Environmental Council:
Aerosols; antifreeze, car batteries, motor oil, and tires; paint & thinners, stains & varnish; pesticides & herbicides; auto & furniture polish; wood preservatives; akaline batteries; caulk & glue; chemical drain cleaner; solvents; ammunition, explosives, firearms, gun powder, pyrotechnics & flares. BONUS — the nasty, hard-to-get-rid of mecury and flourescents will also be taken.

Do your part for the Earth by disposing hazardous wast properly. Or in this case, get someone to do it for you.

A Summer Splash for a Birmingham institution

Southern Environmental Center logoThe Southern Environmental Center at Birmingham Southern College is starting to celebrate its 10th anniversary this month with its first ever online auction. Summer Splash currently has 19 items available for visitors to bid on with all proceeds going to support the organizations educational efforts. We’re pretty sure they’d appreciate you visiting (and bidding) early and often. But no worries, you can visit and bid until May 21 and there’s always EcoFest 10 in October…

XO laptops delivered; what about the boxes?

The first major delivery of XO laptop computers were made to students at Glen Iris Elementary School earlier this week. Approximately 700 computers were distributed. We all know how environmentally friendly the laptops are but what about the packaging?

XO laptop boxes recycled

AEC Program Coordinator Jenny Dorgan gets assistance from a student at Glen Iris Elementary School while preparing the boxes that delivered approximately 700 laptops for recycling. Photo courtesy of the Alabama Environmental Council.

Well, the Alabama Environmental Council let us know that they recycled 100% of the packaging from the first disbursement of the laptops (including all of these boxes that you’re seeing).

Earth Day plans?

BTW – how about letting us know what your plans are for Earth Day over on Magic City Question?

Just wondering…

Help the Big Guy atop Red Mountain breathe a little easier

Si Reasoning - Sierra ClubNow, tomorrow’s Earth Day (officially), at least the one that everyone’s familiar with (maybe)… that’s another post. Anyway, there are a lot of things available to people in Birmingham tomorrow because of the observance that will help make the community a better place to live, whether financially or environmentally. One of the environmental options includes driving up to visit Vulcan atop Red Mountain and getting a free 90 second emissions test beginning at 10 a.m. Click on the link to see the rest of the scheduled testings for this year if you can’t make it tomorrow. There’s more…

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It takes a village this weekend in Ensley

The area immediately adjacent to Village Creek in Ensley has been the focus of many of the efforts being undertaken to breathe new life into the surrounding Ensley and Pratt communities. This Saturday area residents and concerned citizens will have the chance to contribute to and help develop a vision for housing that will line the planned Village Creek Greenway on the city’s West Side (after having some fun running).

The first annual Village Creek One Mile Fun Run/Walk at 8:30 a.m. (sign-up is at 8 a.m.) will be followed at 10 a.m. by a community workshop entitled Implementing The Olmsted Vision One Step at a Time.

Members of the 2007-2008 Project Corporate Leadership class and Environmental Leadership Program will host a workshop to discuss strategies for implementing the Olmsteds’ vision for the Village Creek area in the Ensley and Pratt communities. If you’ve got a Facebook account, you can let them know that you’ll be there to participate.

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