Category Archives: Election ’07

Election 2007: What do you want us to ask the candidates?

NOTE: Please use the form on this page to submit any additional questions for the candidates. The comments on this page are closed. Thank you for your interest.

We need your help. It’s our intention to interview each of the candidates in the Birmingham mayor’s race (as AndrĂ© outlined in yesterday’s my Birmingham column).

What do you want us to ask? We won’t go as far as saying “no question is too silly” (well, because some are), but we want as many as possible to choose from.

Our plan is to ask the questions to all of the candidates though there will be a couple that will only be able to be asked to one or two, so keep that in mind.

Let’s see what comes up…

Our plans for the 2007 mayor’s race

Go on over to my Birmingham to read about our plans for the 2007 mayor’s race here in Birmingham, AL (as lofty as they may be).

And hang on tight.

Last chance to vote in first Election ’07 poll

Our first mayoral poll for the 2007 campaign closes at 12 p.m. today.

This is the first of several that we’ll conduct involving the race to be the next mayor of Birmingham, Alabama during the summer.

If you haven’t yet, take a few seconds to vote. Just look over to your right as you reach the front page and cast your vote at the information desk area.

We’ll have a new one up this afternoon starting at 12:30 p.m.

New poll question: Who’d you pick for mayor today?

We figured it was time to start changing our poll questions on at least a weekly basis.

For those of you that are reading this via your RSS feed, please visit the site and vote in this week’s poll. It is a timely question, considering the increase in candidates for the mayor’s office in Birmingham (the election is coming up in October, with a runoff election if needed in November).

Election ’07: Abbott signs in transit

Thanks to Curtis, we have this image of Valerie Abbott signs in transit from earlier today:

Abbott signs in transit Continue reading

Election ’07: One announces, another tests the water

William BellThis weekend current Birmingham City Councilor and former interim mayor William Bell announced his plans to run for mayor. The announcement was made in the Sunday edition of The Birmingham News.

We reported earlier this month that a website was “parked” by Bell and that signs had already begun appearing throughout the city. As of 9:15 a.m. this morning, the site was now not available for viewing at all, a sure sign that it will be operational in the coming days after content is added. We will update you when we are aware of its launch. Continue reading

Is Bell running?

Bell for mayor sign

Well, it’s starting to look that way. This was one of several signs located at the intersection of 8th Avenue & Arkadelphia Road earlier this afternoon. Continue reading