Category Archives: Citywide

Election ’07: Langford extends olive branch to County Commission

Larry Langford returned to the County Commission today in triumph with a warm-and-fuzzy moment with fellow commissioners, who celebrated his decisive win in Tuesday’s mayoral election.

As Birmingham’s mayor-elect, Langford immediately extended an olive branch across the table to his colleagues, saying he would need their help to carry out initiatives that will move the city and region forward.

“Everybody knows that as Birmingham goes, so goes the region,” he said “For Birmingham to move forward, I need the help of this commission. I know we have a history of not agreeing on everything in the past, and we don’t have to agree on everything now. But I think there are some things we can agree on and work together.”

Commission President Bettye Fine Collins and the other commissioners reciprocated with a resolution pledging to work cooperatively with Langford. They unanimously passed the resolution during Thursday’s special session.

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Election ’07: The other race on Tuesday made history

Howard Bayless photoWith all of the attention focused on Tuesday’s mayoral election results, very few people have been talking about the other race that occurred that evening – the one for the vacant city board of education seat in District 3.

When Howard Bayless won the seat on Tuesday evening, defeating Earnest Lumpkin (click here to view the unofficial vote totals), he became the first openly gay male to win an elected office in the state of Alabama. The Gay & Lesbian Victory Fund currently has this story on the front page of its website. The news is appearing on other sites throughout the country, including this post on PageOneQ.

As Danny said yesterday, this is not your father’s Alabama anymore.

Pompeii ticket winner announced

We thought this would post on its own late yesterday afternoon… apparently it didn’t. So…

The winner of the two (2) tickets to the Birmingham Museum of Art Junior Patrons Pompeii Preview Gala is:

James Brown

Congrats James! Please contact us here at The Terminal to find out how to claim your tickets. Thanks to everyone that participated in this contest. For those that are still interested in attending, click here to learn more.

Stay tuned for more contests soon.

Election ’07: Provisional ballots become focus

We’ve just opened an email that is being forwarded throughout the city of Birmingham this afternoon. It was sent by the Cooper for Mayor campaign:

As widely reported many Birmingham voters were disenfranchised on October 9th as they tried to cast their ballot in the mayoral election.  Right now, only 174 votes separate Patrick from a run-off.

Accordingly, please pass this information along to all Birmingham voters:

– If you requested and submitted a provisional ballot at a polling site YOU MUST GO TO BOARD OF REGISTRARS AT THE JEFFERSON COUNTY COURT HOUSE BY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12th at 5PM.  If the voter fails to provide identification to the Board on the Friday following the election, the ballot will NOT be counted.

-If you requested and never received an absentee ballot for the October 9th Mayoral Election, you can still vote if you GO TO THE BOARD OF REGISTRARS AT THE JEFFERSON COUNTY COURT HOUSE BY FRIDAY, OCTOBER 12th at 5PM.

REMEMBER TO BRING PROPER IDENTIFICATION (drivers license including address and telephone number).

We need every vote!

If you have any questions please contact the Cooper for Mayor Campaign at 488-9641 or the Jefferson County Board of Registrars at 325-5550.  Also, please let us know if you did submit a provisional ballot so we may help protect your vote.

As we said earlier today, it’s about to get interesting.

Election ’07: Our stationmaster’s thoughts on the election

We figured some of you were waiting to hear what our managing editor thought about last night and what it may mean.

Well, here it is.

UPDATED Election ’07: Cooper addresses supporters

Patrick Cooper addresses supporters

Photo credit: Chris “Mojo” Denbow/

Patrick Cooper addressed the crowd of supporters gathered at WorkPlay earlier this evening. With 100% of the precincts reporting, Cooper had received 15,392 votes, or 29.54% of the total votes cast in the 2007 mayoral election.

Cooper says that he plans to contest the results of this evening’s election. Currently, unofficial results have Larry Langford having the votes needed to be declared the winner.

Click here for more photos.

UPDATED Election ’07: “It’s been a great eight years…”

Kincaid talks to reporters

Photo credit: Bob Farley/f8photo

Mayor Bernard Kincaid talks with reporters after learning that he would not have the opportunity to serve as mayor of Birmingham for four more years. Kincaid has served as the chief executive of the Magic City for eight years. With 100% of the precincts reporting, Mayor Kincaid received 4,234 votes, or 8.12%.

Click here for more pictures.