Category Archives: Citywide

Catalyst & United Way Young Leaders invite you to make a Board Connection next week

Catalyst Logo United Way Logo Nrca Logo

Catalyst and United Way Young Leaders Society are partnering with the Nonprofit Resource Center of Alabama (NRCA) to provide a great opportunity to our YP community.

Next Wednesday, August 8, they’re inviting those interested to come out to WorkPlay to learn more about how to make a Board Connection with area nonprofits seeking new blood. We’ve even got the PDF file for you to download and share with your friends.

The mayor’s right hand man is stepping aside

Al Herbert has served as the right hand man for Mayor Bernard Kincaid for all of his eight years in office. Yesterday, it was revealed that if Kincaid is elected to serve for a third term, he will not be by his side. Herbert’s departure was announced during yesterday’s weekly Birmingham City Council meeting. He will begin working at UAB as their executive director of supplier diversity effective October 15.

Our current poll question asks you if Herbert’s departure means anything in terms of the mayor’s (as of yet unannounced) chances of reelection.

Related links:
Herbert joins UAB from city, UAB Headline News 

Random Shots: The folks on the bikes

Bikes For Regions

If you’ve been out and about in metro Birmingham in recent days you may have run into this motley crew. They are part of Regions Bank’s latest marketing campaign, rolled out in conjunction with the visual merger between themselves and AmSouth Bank last week. Here the group takes a break near the Storyteller Fountain (which is still behind fencing due to recent conservation work).

Photo credit: Daniel Walters

Share your Art on the Rocks & Potter release photos with us!

We tried to do this last month for Art on the Rocks, but realized that we didn’t exactly send it out in timely fashion (not that we’re that much earlier this time).

We just want to help you share your photos from Art on the Rocks as well as the various Harry Potter release parties planned for tonight. Rather than write the guidelines over again, we figured we’d just have you go to our last post about it and look at them there.

The only difference for the Harry Potter images is that we want you to use the tag hpotterbham07 with bhamterminal.

That’s it. We’re looking forward to seeing what might come in (and to letting you know about another way to submit photos in the near future).


Babywearing growing in metro Birmingham

The amount of new parents that are turning to "babywearing" is incredible. Our local resident experts in the field, the Magic City Slingers, have reason to enjoy this Friday the 13th as their new business cards have arrived.

Birmingham’s chapter (Alabama’s first incidentally) of Nine In, Nine Out, the national babywearing organization, says that it purpose is to bring together experienced “babywearers” and people who would like help choosing and using a baby carrier. They call it a “fellowship of the sling.” You may want to check out the nonprofit’s site to learn more about who founded the group and how it is helping newborns and parents.

Green signs looking out at me with a name change at Harbert Plaza

Covered AmSouth-Regions signThe AmSouth to Regions conversion was visually completed this morning with area banking centers switching from the familiar blue and white to the new Regions green. As we reported in May, the complete changeover should be complete by October.

The name change affects not only the banking centers, but also civic centers named for the now absorbed AmSouth. Harbert Realty Services announced today that Harbert Plaza would officially change its name to Regions Harbert Plaza to coincide with the merger. Continue reading

Still no 2007 budget for city

The Birmingham City Council failed to approve a budget for the new fiscal year that began on July 1. The News reports that Councilor William Bell abstained from the unanimous consent vote required for passage of the budget since it was not on the agenda for today’s meeting.

The city will have to operate under its current budget until it is approved, possibly as early as next week.