Category Archives: Alabama

’63 Sixteenth Street Pastor passes away

On a day that seems to be forever connected intrinsically with the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church bombing of 1963, yet another link has formed, albeit a sad one.

The Birmingham News breaking news blog and various other news outlets (including the AJC)are reporting that The Rev. John H. Cross Jr., pastor of the church at the time of the 1963 explosion, passed away on Thursday in Atlanta, Georgia. He was 82.

Random Shots: Fall colors at the Gardens

Japanese Gardens at BBG

Photo credit: André Natta

Just a quick shot of a fall day earlier this month at the Birmingham Botanical Gardens‘ Japanese Garden.

We’d still rather have some rain though.

A look back: November 17


Denise McNair was born.


Conviction of 1963 church bombing suspect Robert Chambliss.

Courtesy: logo

This laptop’s generating a lot of talk

XO laptop image

An image of the XO Laptop.

The XO laptop is serving as a focal point of what is a larger issue for our local educational system. While not necessarily offering answers, I felt like wondering aloud over on my Birmingham, hoping you may share your opinions over there as well.

Come Monday, you’ll get a chance to share your opinion on a more consistent basis as we reintroduce the Magic City Question. Stay tuned…

Take a moment: Can-a-thon today!

Can-a-thon image

If you do have a moment, and a couple of cans of non-perishable food, you might want to drive on over to Brookwood Mall, pull up next to the Applebee’s, and drop them off. You’ve got until 7 p.m. this evening so there’s really not a reason that you couldn’t stop on by.

It’s sponsored by NBC 13, 102.5 FM, The Salvation Army and the United Way Community Food Bank and it’s quite appropriate given the time of year that we’re in.

The First 100: Langford lays out his agenda to City Council

A special to The Terminal from Birmingham View

Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford, in one of his first official acts with the City Council, gave them his plan to “do something.”

He personally handed them a broad-ranging proposal that would pay for transit, computers for city schoolchildren, the domed stadium project and neighborhood improvements, among other items – all with an economic impact of $1.35 billion.

Details of the plan, dubbed “The Birmingham Community Development and Revitalization Ordinance,” were for the councilors’ eyes only; he wanted them to see the plan before the press did. Langford said he would make it public after they’ve had a chance to digest it over the weekend and give him their feedback.

“I will never go forward with information of this magnitude without giving it to you first,” he told six of the nine councilors present at their Committee of the Whole meeting Thursday afternoon. “I want give you time to go over it … then collectively we can put it out to the public.”

Langford said he wanted the Councilors to meet Monday and air their comments in public. He would make a formal presentation at Tuesday’s Council meeting.

For more of this story, visit Birmingham View’s blog.

Music’s the focus of this week’s “Got plans…”

Don’t believe us, head on over to Timetable and find out what Christina’s suggesting you do…

And you’re still over here because? Wink