Bessemer police officer John Flowers was shot and killed by by a boxcar hobo.
Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com
Bessemer police officer John Flowers was shot and killed by by a boxcar hobo.
Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com
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Posted in A look back, Alabama, Birmingham, history
One of the issues that has come up during this year’s mayoral campaign in Birmingham (at least among us out here on the web) is the candidates’ web presence. There are very few extensive websites, though one candidate has now expanded his campaign into the world of MySpace.
Following the lead of national presidential candidates, William Bell has become the first person running for Birmingham’s mayor’s office to create a MySpace profile. His actual site is still not up and running; however, as of the time of this posting, the current City Councilor for District 5 already had 54 “friends” who had accepted his invitation to join his page on the popular social networking site. Time will tell if others will follow suit and use other Web 2.0 technologies as the race continues on.
NOTE: Hear their answers to your questions on our Election ’07 site!
Posted in Alabama, Birmingham, Citywide, Election '07, politics
We’d like to take a moment to thank those that have donated door prizes to our launch party tomorrow evening:
Please take a moment to visit our prizes page to see what they provided us to give away.
FYI – We will also be giving away ten (10) of our new t-shirts before you can buy them online.
Click on the image to learn more about tomorrow’s event:
Posted in 35222, Alabama, Birmingham, Business, Events, The Terminal, update
The Birmingham Barons, featuring right-fielder Michael Jordan, set a single-game attendance record of 16,247.
Courtesy: Bhamwiki.com
Posted in A look back, Alabama, Birmingham, Sports
You may just wonder why we’d post a link to a story about the University of Louisville receiving a $10 million donation from Papa John’s earlier today, providing additional monies ($22 million total) for Cardinal Stadium (including naming rights) and enabling an expansion and renovation project to move forward.
Well, when you visit that link, take a look at the comment attributed to Papa John’s CEO at the end of the posting and you’ll understand. The PapaJohns.com Bowl is currently hosted at our own Legion Field and is scheduled to be played this year on December 22. This is the first public comment by the title sponsor suggesting that the game might be moved (in this case after renovations to the facility are completed).
Posted in Alabama, Birmingham, Business, Sports
Jeremy Harper has made it to #800,000 in his millioncount.com campaign. Harper recently received some more press from the folks over at Pleasant Morning Buzz on August 21 (when he reached 750,000).
As the numbers get larger, the focus shifts to what’s going to happen next. Apparently the guys involved here in Birmingham have already been thinking about it. A check of a current poll on the site shows a couple of things; a lot of folks are watching and just as many want to keep watching… something: [poll results follow the jump]
Posted in Alabama, Birmingham, Quirky
Birmingham View will be filming a television commercial for the City of Birmingham tomorrow morning (August 28) beginning at 8 a.m. at City Hall in the council chambers (3rd floor). It should be finished in plenty of time for tomorrow’s regularly scheduled council meeting to take place and it’s a great opportunity to show your support for the city.
If you have not seen Birmingham View’s new television show, it airs on Bright House (Ch. 4 – 6:30 p.m., Thursdays) and Charter (Ch. 18 & 24 – 6:30 a.m., Tuesdays) cable stations and it is also available for viewing on their website. They debuted originally in magazine format and have plans to return to print in the near future.
Posted in 35203, Alabama, Birmingham