Category Archives: Alabama

Election ’07: Our mayoral poll is open!

We’ve done two polls previously on the main site during the course of this year’s mayoral campaign but they were not necessarily very scientific. They did provide us with an idea of who readers were following. But we always want more info…

So we decided to do one that was much more informative to readers of the site. We’re hoping that we get an idea of not only what folks in town think, but what people outside think of this race. Click here to get started.

You’ve got until 3 p.m. Friday, September 28th to take part. We’ll share the results later that evening.

By the way, if you’re not already registered to vote, that’s also the last day that you can register; click here to download the voter registration form and get to it!

Buy a T & support a local charity!

small Terminal T adI’m sure you’ve noticed the big image of the black T-shirt that has graced you in the center column if you’ve visited the front page sometime during the last two weeks. Well, if you were to visit the page today, you’ll notice that we’ve changed the image. If you click on it, you’ll also noticed that we’ve added some additional information.

For those that have still not clicked on the image yet, we’ve decided to donate $1 from the proceeds of every T-shirt sale will now go to an area charity. The local charity will change quarterly. Now go on over there and find out who the first recipient of the quarterly check will be.

NOTE: There will be other shirt colors available in the coming days… stay tuned!

Election ’07: Neighborhood funds and recycling

We’ll end the series of general questions for the candidates with two questions that at first glance may not be as glitzy as economic development and schools. But the answers provided for these two issues in particular, aside from the candidates’ answers on their thoughts on the role of the mayor, provided a great opportunity to see how they would handle issues.

Allocation of neighborhood funds

Check them out and let us know what you think in the comment section for both of them. Don’t forget to check back throughout the weekend as we post profile pages for all 10 candidates; those that participated in our series will also have audio answers to two (2) additional questions. One was written by you, our readers, the common thread question was presented by us. Then let us know who you’d vote for in our poll when it begins tomorrow morning.

From the Stationmaster: Our plans for the day

You may have noticed some minor changes to the style and functionality of the site if you’ve visited our homepage today. This is a result of concerns that have been raised by readers in recent weeks, as well as a minor meltdown early this morning. In order to make these changes, the updates for the Election ’07 site have not been completed as of yet.

It’s our intention to begin posting additional content across The Terminal today beginning at 1 p.m., however it may be delayed further if necessary. We will also postpone our in-depth Election ’07 poll’s debut until tomorrow morning.

The changes being made and the pending announcements for this afternoon I hope are ones that you as readers will benefit from and enjoy. Enjoy the ride!

André Natta

A look back: September 21


Fannie Flagg

Fannie Flagg was born in Birmingham.


2600 Highland Avenue

Construction began on the 2600 Highland Avenue condominium project.


From the Stationmaster: Elsewhere on The Terminal

The world keeps on moving and we wanted to make sure that you were aware of what was going on around the site.

  • Timetable has details about Get Downtown and McWane Science Center’s new adult after-hours event, both scheduled for this evening. The second story also includes some links to some of the newer events that will keep folks busy during the fall months.
  • Our stationmaster has made a return to editorial action over on my Birmingham talking about our urban fabric, and if we’re really trying to save it, or develop it into what we think we want. It was originally supposed to be the first part of a series tied to our ongoing election coverage, and it still relates, though its purpose is a little different.

Election ’07: Dealing with the drought and local issues

Your Questions, Their Answers gets those that participated to talk about what the mayor and council can do about our local drought conditions and over their ideas for working with neighborhoods to deal with issues important to them.

Drought conditions
Crime, lighting & infrastructure

Check out the main page for the series, visit the specific topics and offer your comments on their answers.

FYITomorrow we’ll begin running our latest mayoral poll. Stay tuned…