Music and movies over on Timetable

09.16.2008 by André Natta · → Leave a comment

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There are many of you that probably wonder just what does that stationmaster do when he’s sitting there editing posts? Well, even if you don’t, I’m going to tell you anyway – I’m normally drowning out the sounds of the outside (except for the trains that run by our current headquarters) with a fairly eclectic collection of music. This addiction of sorts has picked up steam since running The Terminal has led to a growing collection of CDs that need to be shared with everyone else. That includes the new album by Dead Confederate (released today) that you’ll actually see me attempt to review as soon as you head over to Timetable

You’ll also get a chance to hit the previous post button and check out Whitney’s recent chat with Crewless Productions’ Chance Shirley. So even though it’s a gorgeous day out there, take a few minutes and hop on over there.

See, a music and movie fix over there…

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Filed under: This Week on Timetable