Tag Archives: black joe lewis

Who is famous and what who?

Poster for 8.7.2008 Bottletree show Hello, hello.

I’ve been preoccupied for the past couple of days with the sheer lack of things to get me off the couch in our fair city. Well, today is a little different? I’ve read up (and heard raving reviews from people in my office) about the Austin, TX band playing Bottletree tonight: What Made Milwaukee Famous

I recently came across an IGN review where WMMF’s album What Doesn’t Kill Us was described using the line “If you buy one album this spring…”. Them’s powerful words.

I know, I know. Lots of bands with iffy names are lucky enough to entertain me and this one has a chance to win me over tonight around 7-8ish. It’s actually an all ages show, so bring the kids (or maybe not because this is all the research you get for free) and $10 and you’re in.

Also, Black Joe Lewis hails from Austin as well and this is an awesome chance to see local band the Photonicas (not listed on flyer) in action.