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Scare easy? You need not apply

08.31.2007 by André Natta · No Comments

Furnace shot

It’s a spooky, spooky place out at Sloss. Apparently, the supernatural activity is known to heat up in September and October. Special to The Terminal

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Recent stories

Travel options:Red Dot gallery opening tonight

08.24.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Red Dot Gallery owners

Gallery owners Dori Decamillis and Scott Bennett in their Homewood Studio. Bob Farley/f8photo A grand re-opening celebration lost in the shuffle of all of the larger events taking place this evening is the one for Red Dot Gallery. The gallery … Continue reading

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There’s always time to vote for your favorite bar!

08.20.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

It’s been years since The Garage made it onto GQ’s list of “The World’s Best Places To Fly To”. Now, they and three other local bars are preparing for a similar fate at the hands of Esquire magazine as they … Continue reading

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A Helping Hand In Paw

08.17.2007 by André Natta · 1 Comment

Local charity prepares for seventh annual Picasso Pets Gala Continue reading

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By the Sea, by the Beautiful Sea

08.15.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Sea Shanties poster

Wouldn’t a nice evening by the sea feel nice in these 100+ temperatures? While we can’t bring the Gulf any closer, we can enjoy Sea Shanties for the American South, an evening of readings and musical performances at Rojo tonight, … Continue reading

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An “unseen” side of Spider Martin’s work

08.10.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Photo courtesy of UAB Visual Arts Gallery - used with permission

Spider Martin’s Unseen Sixties reveals a side of the nationally known photographer that many didn’t know existed. Best known for his Civil Rights era photographs, Martin was a prolific photographer with an extensive and varied portfolio. In addition to his … Continue reading

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Big Julie’s Boom Boom Cocktail Room and Debate Club: A look inside

08.8.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Editor’s note: This story was submitted by Mark Kelly.  It started as an occasional after-work gathering, two or three guys bringing guitars to strum between swigs of beer and the resolution-or at least diagnosis-of the world’s problems. Then this person … Continue reading

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Winner of 2ndHand/Artwalk short story competition announced

08.7.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The 2NDHAND/ArtWalk short story competition winner has been announced. Nadria Tucker, a creative writing masters degree candidate at UAB, will have her winning piece, “318,” published in a special edition of the Chicago/Birmingham based literary broadsheet in August and have … Continue reading

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Day of the Dead T-shirt Designs sought

08.7.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Bare Hands Gallery sent out a notice earlier today via their MySpace profile letting folks know that they’re looking for potential designs for t-shirts to sell at their annual El Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) festival in … Continue reading

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Artwalk’s seeking volunteers

08.6.2007 by André Natta · 1 Comment

The folks at Artwalk are putting out a call for volunteers. Check it out and don’t forget about their Preamble event later on this week: Attention Birmingham Art Lovers, We are seeking volunteers to help stage one of the most … Continue reading

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