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Got plans this weekend? 11.30 – 12.2

11.30.2007 by André Natta · No Comments

Wow! December 1 might be the most over-scheduled day of the year – everyone wants to kick off their holiday season Saturday. Makes me wonder what we’re going to do the rest of the month besides fight the crowds at … Continue reading

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Recent stories

Bob Dylan plays APTV this weekend

11.29.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Dylan fans will be able to enjoy their man during APTV’s December pledge drive (yes, it’s already time). Bob Dylan: Live in Newport 1963-1965 will begin its engagement on APTV beginning this Saturday. The special is based on a DVD … Continue reading

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What to do when you’re in town waiting for a bowl game

11.29.2007 by André Natta · 4 Comments

As promised, we’ve started a list of things for folks visiting during this year’s PapaJohns.com Bowl to do when they’re not out tailgating and cheering on their respective teams. Feel free to add on (we’re hoping that you do): Birmingham … Continue reading

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Got plans this weekend? 11.16 – 11.18

11.16.2007 by André Natta · 1 Comment

Help The Bottletree celebrate one year, The Nick welcomes Dead Confederate to The Magic City and a chance to check out some meteors. Continue reading

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BCRI earns national award for community service

11.15.2007 by André Natta · 1 Comment

The Birmingham Civil Rights Institute was recently recognized as a recipient of the 2007 National Medal for Museum and Library Service, the nation’s highest honor for the extraordinary public service among libraries and museums, awarded by federal Institute of Museum … Continue reading

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Blue’s Reviews: Megan Kimber/Dia de los Muertos

11.13.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

In one night earlier this month, art reviewer M. Blue Horn visited two very different art exhibits. Listen as she introduces you to the work of Megan Kimber, a new-to-Birmingham painter of fantastical images, at Nordys Gallery, then journeys a … Continue reading

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Got plans this weekend? 11.09 – 11.12

11.9.2007 by André Natta · 1 Comment

If you haven’t been to Bottletree yet, what are you waiting for?! While I loved Moonlight Music Cafe and I think The Nick does indeed rock, this is my new favorite place to hang out and hear music. Because it’s … Continue reading

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Got plans this weekend? 11.2 – 11.4

11.2.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

If you’re like me, you’re ready to get on with the weekend. So this will be short and brief with lots of links. Tonight, it’s all about the art, or at least art galleries. Bare Hands Gallery is celebrating its … Continue reading

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Blue’s Reviews: Bruce Holwerda

11.2.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Ten shows spotlighting nine artists in ten weeks? Nordys Gallery is taking up that challenge this fall, and art reviewer M. Blue Horn stopped by to check out the creations of one of the featured artists, painter Bruce Holwerda. What … Continue reading

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Got plans this weekend? 10.26-10.28

10.26.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

While Halloween isn’t until Wednesday, you can take your costume on a test-run at the Alabama Theatre tonight. Doors open at 7 p.m. for the Rocky Horror Masquerade Ball. You have until 8:15 p.m. to register for the costume contest. … Continue reading

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