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In Love With: Dining al Fresco

03.25.2008 by André Natta · 4 Comments

You know it’s spring here when, at the first sign of warmth, people are throwing on the T-shirts, shorts, and sandals. It seems we in Alabama can’t stand to be cooped up in our houses when the sun is shining, … Continue reading

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Recent stories

Got plans this weekend? 3.21 – 3.23

03.21.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

It’s Spring Break for most area schools and the liturgical calendar puts us in Holy Week leading up to Easter. This combination has lots of folks out of town. Those of us left, fear not. Thanks to Birmingham’s cultural scene, … Continue reading

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r3vrb destinations 3.20 – 3.22

03.20.2008 by sam · 0 Comments

Legendary Shack Shakers

Another weekend is upon us. I can almost hear the collective sighs of the populace as they prepare to vent their pent-up frustrations into the atmosphere. What better way to facilitate said release than to head to one of the … Continue reading

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Bomb Shelter’s last blast

03.19.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Bomb Shelter image - Bob Farley/f8photo

Bob Farley/f8photo Last night the Bomb Shelter held its last public event. About 40 people showed up for the send off. Local folk rock group Menewa started the night off with an hour or so long set followed by New … Continue reading

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Got plans this weekend? 3.14 – 3.16

03.14.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

It’s another busy weekend in the Magic City thanks to St. Patrick’s Day falling on a Monday. That’s giving lots of folks the idea to start the party way early on Friday. And by way early on Friday we mean … Continue reading

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r3vrb destinations 3.13 – 3.15

03.13.2008 by sam · 0 Comments

Clay Connor and the Criminals

First off, it would be wrong of me not to mention ShamRock, the extravaganzafest happening at Sloss on Saturday in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. I know it’s been covered elsewhere on the site, so I’ll leave it at that. … Continue reading

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In Love With: Skyline Sightings

03.11.2008 by André Natta · 3 Comments

I enjoy looking at a good skyline. I can’t help but feel the excitement and energy emanating from those mountains of steel, glass, and stone, beckoning me to come explore. In my estimation, Chicago and Atlanta have great skylines—and so … Continue reading

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ShamRocking at Sloss this weekend

03.10.2008 by André Natta · 0 Comments

ShamRock Music Festival logo

Sloss Furnaces will host the first annual ShamRock music festival on Saturday, March 15. Check out the destinations calendar entry to hear the pitch… We figured it would be nice to share the schedule of bands here (and possibly some … Continue reading

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Got plans this weekend? 3.7 – 3.9

03.7.2008 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Wow, after last weekend’s marathon of events it looks like slim pickings for this weekend. But never fear, I have found what I think are some pretty cool things to do. Little boys and big boys (and yes, little girls … Continue reading

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r3vrb destinations 3.6 – 3.8

03.6.2008 by sam · 0 Comments

The Old Ceremony

One of the benefits of doing these picks for you folks is that I get to discover all sorts of music I would never have otherwise noticed. And more often than not one of these discoveries turns out to be … Continue reading

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