Tag Archives: Random Shots

Making 20th Street uniform

City employees work on 20th Street North streetscape.


Those that were in downtown Birmingham last week may have noticed city crews working around traffic lights and light poles, particularly along 20th Street North. Well, a closer look at this picture shows that the city employee is spray painting the traffic signal casing black. Poles and pedestrian crossing signals were also painted black as bright red banners were hung with the city’s new logo.

Random Shots: Federal Reserve renovations continue

FedX - Bob Farley/f8Photo

Bob Farley/f8Photo

Renovations and continue on the old Federal Reserve Building at the corner of 5th Avenue and 18th Street North by Melaver, Inc. of Savannah, GA. According to the developer’s, website,

“…the Federal Reserve Building’s historic façade will be restored, and Melaver has committed to seeking LEED-NC Silver certification, assuring tenants of the most modern, efficient, technologically advanced and productive workspace available in the Birmingham MSA.”

The building will house a hotel, restaurant, convention, retail and office space.

Random Shots: Feed Me


Bob Farley/f8Photo

A female cardinal feeds her chicks in a nest built in an unused gas lamp in the backyard of a Roebuck Springs house on Birmingham’s east side. The chicks hatched about three days ago, a normal incubation period is 12 to 13 days, and if all goes well they will fledge the nest in the next week. The standard time from hatching to fledging is about 9 days or so.

Exploring on the canvas

Laura Lockhart photo - Bob Farley/f8Photo

Bob Farley/f8Photo

Artist Laura Lockhart will show her work for a fifth year at this weekend’s Magic City Art Connection. Her art is inspired by her travels – she uses the photos she takes on her trips abroad and combines the prints with painting. These works are created on masonite and involve an intricate process layering photographs, wax and acrylic. In some cases, sand, grass or seaweed is also used to create unusual textures.

She was inspired to create her series of travel imagery by a quote from Mark Twain:

Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”

Check out Charles’ In Love With post about the Connection over on Timetable.

Random Shots: Way to go Tamika!

Tamika Moore at Work - Bob Farley/f8Photo

Bob Farley/f8Photo

Birmingham News photographer Tamika Moore just got back from the 65th annual Pictures of the Year International (POYi) awards where she accepted a first place award for her photography column In FocusClick here to see examples of her work.

Moore is seen here photographing this week’s Earth Day parade in downtown Birmingham. POYi began as a photographic contest in the spring of 1944 in Columbia, Missouri, when the Missouri School of Journalism sponsored its “First Annual Fifty-Print Exhibition” contest. Its stated purpose was, “to pay tribute to those press photographers and newspapers which, despite tremendous war-time difficulties, are doing a splendid job; to provide an opportunity for photographers of the nation to meet in open competition; and to compile and preserve… a collection of the best in current, home-front press pictures.”

The contest has tens of thousands of entries each year and has expanded to dozens of categories, including magazine photography.

Birmingham’s police has its new wheels

Birmingham Police Department new decals

André Natta/Flickr

Birmingham’s Police Department appears to have settled on a new decal package for their vehicles. It was one of the early initiatives announced when Larry Langford was elected mayor late last year by himself and chief A.C. Roper.

Here’s a picture of one of them on patrol in the Five Points West area close to Fair Park Arena earlier today.

So, click here and let us know what do you think?

BTW, if you’re in the area today, stop by and say hello at Family Tech Day!

Full moon rising

Full Moon

Bob Farley/f8Photo

The full moon arrived in Birmingham on Friday night but it was still full, big and beautiful on Saturday as well.

The next full moon is Sunday, April 20th.