Tag Archives: blogging

Looking for things to do in Huntsville; start here!

We’re deviating only slightly from our Birmingham only stance today, so I figured we’d take a look at a new site in Huntsville, AL (thanks to Nicki for the tip!).

Color Me Huntsville screenshot

Screenshot of Color Me Huntsville

Color Me Huntsville is a blog that looks at arts and entertainment happenings in the Rocket City and looks to be an expansion of a column that C.A. Marks has recently started writing for al.com.

They’re just going to keep on sprouting up… cool, huh?

He looks so much taller…

Looking up at Vulcan. acnatta/FlickrWell, apparently Vulcan is tall and old (he just celebrated his 104th); he’s just not the tallest statue in the South. That honor goes to The Golden Driller in Tulsa, OK. The Big Guy atop Red Mountain does get to claim being the fifth tallest according to the list posted to Southern Living’s Tales from the Road blog yesterday.

You know, it does look like it would be a pretty cool road trip though… (see the map at the bottom of the post). Plus, you can’t beat having the tallest statue in the South also doing double duty as the namesake for a minor league baseball team