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A second Walmart potentially looming for Montclair Rd?

06.1.2011 by André Natta · No Comments

Modified from Union vs Wal Mart in Las Vegas #2. Brave New Films/Flickr

It looks like Walmart wants to continue to expand its footprint in Birmingham, AL. This time though, it seems like they want one of each of their concepts accessible along a six-mile stretch of the same road. Continue reading

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In other news

Dwight Howard is coming to help those in Alabama

06.1.2011 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Dwight Howard

Dwight Howard will soon be known by many in Alabama by his NBA nickname Superman for what he’s pledged to do in the coming days for tornado recovery. Continue reading

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last car, 5.31.2011

05.31.2011 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The Mighty Wurlitzer at the Alabama

Some of the links and stories we missed on May 31, 2011 from around and about Birmingham, AL. Continue reading

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Brewery Modernization Act passes Alabama State House

05.31.2011 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Free The Hops tulip glass

Craft beer lovers across Alabama rejoice! The Brewery Modernization Act is one step closer to becoming law after it was passed by the Alabama State House of Representatives earlier this evening in Montgomery. Continue reading

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A city dangerous for pedestrians + ranked among least fit?

05.31.2011 by André Natta · 0 Comments


There may be a correlation between two reports released in recent weeks looking at Birmingham, AL and our metro area’s level of fitness – but it’s not like folks aren’t already trying to fix the problem. Continue reading

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It’s a little hot in the Magic City this week

05.31.2011 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Crestwood Park - Pool. Dystopos/Flickr

Here’s to hoping you’ve got a way to beat the heat this week here in Birmingham. If you’re one of the folks with a broken or non-existent air conditioning system, we’d ask you to share some of your suggestions over on Magic City Question today. Continue reading

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Travelogue: Lou’s Pub makes Esquire’s list of best bars

05.31.2011 by André Natta · 0 Comments


Lou’s Pub has once again made Esquire Magazine’s list of the Best Bars in America. It’s the only bar in the city of Birmingham (& the state of Alabama) included in this year’s list. Congrats! Continue reading

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