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City Birds and Java, Ruffner Mountain Nature Center

07.31.2007 by André Natta · No Comments

Calling all birders! Novices and experts alike. Meet naturalists from Ruffner Mountain Nature Center at the center’s pavilion for free coffee and an introduction to local roasters Higher Ground. The company uses fair-trade beans from organic shade-grown coffee plants and … Continue reading

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In other news

Full Moon Wine & Cheese Hike, Ruffner Mountain Nature Center

07.31.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Ruffner Moutain Nature Center invites you to come out to an ADULTS ONLY event (no pets please). A UNIQUEly Birmingham social event. Easy to moderate hike to the overlook. View a fantastic sunset, enjoy great company & light refreshments. The … Continue reading

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Primitive Skills Workshop, Ruffner Mountain Nature Center

07.31.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

The folks at Ruffner Mountain Nature Center invite you out to “learn basic primitive techniques of shelter building, ID of wild edible plants,simple fire making, & other woodland survival skills from an edible plant expert, naturalist and outdoor enthusiast.” Plus … Continue reading

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Take a moment: Help Alabama receive books for low-income children

07.31.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

What Book Got You Hooked

If you visit the First Books site today before 12 a.m., you’ll give children from low income families in our state a chance to receive 50,000 books for the state of Alabama. The folks in charge of the Vulcan After … Continue reading

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Regions Plaza to become Marriott Renaissance Hotel

07.30.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Birmingham’s Harbert Realty Services announced today that the conversion of the 17-story Regions Plaza at 5th Avenue North and 20th Street in downtown Birmingham will be branded as a 225-room Marriott Renaissance hotel. We posted about the plans for the … Continue reading

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Sam Davidson’s in town tonight

07.30.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Sam Davidson

Sam Davidson is in town this evening at WorkPlay. According to the Remarkablog, he’ll be here in Birmingham beginning at 5 p.m. to meet and talk with folks (and hand out swag). Davidson is the president and co-founder of CoolPeopleCare … Continue reading

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Random Shots: The folks on the bikes

07.27.2007 by André Natta · 2 Comments

Bikes For Regions

If you’ve been out and about in metro Birmingham in recent days you may have run into this motley crew. They are part of Regions Bank’s latest marketing campaign, rolled out in conjunction with the visual merger between themselves and … Continue reading

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