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Have we reached a tipping point on crime in Birmingham?

09.26.2007 by André Natta · No Comments

Crime has been a buzz word throughout the Magic City for quite a while now. It has definitely become one of the dominant issues of this year’s mayoral campaigns, with the major candidates running television and radio spots describing exactly … Continue reading

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In other news

A look back: September 26

09.26.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments


September 26: On this date in 1891 a traveling medicine salesman ascended a hot air balloon from the corner of 1st Avenue North and 19th Street. Courtesy:

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A look back: September 25

09.25.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Babec pose

September 25: A year ago on this date, Russ and Dee Fine were fired during their morning radio talk show on WYDE-FM. In 2004: The Birmingham Zoo‘s Babec became the first gorilla to have a pacemaker. Click here to hear … Continue reading

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Magic City Question: A new grocery store downtown? No, not yet

09.25.2007 by André Natta · 6 Comments

It’s been a while since Torme’s doors closed in Birmingham’s city center, taking away the area’s only immediate grocery option. While stores like The Neighborhood Market fill portions of the growing downtown population’s needs, many still long for a “major” … Continue reading

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Election ’07: Online poll update

09.24.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

Hey, just a note regarding voting in our Election ’07 poll. We are aware that people will be using the same computer at times to vote in this poll, however… multiple votes from the same IP address will not be … Continue reading

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A look around the station: The Loaf likes Charles’ comments

09.24.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

They at least like them enough to link to this post over on my Birmingham. Charles Buchanan’s comments come after a visit two weekends ago to our neighbor to the east and André’s piece on urban fabric. It’s an interesting … Continue reading

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Just in case you needed another good reason to vote on October 9…

09.24.2007 by André Natta · 0 Comments

I voted sticker

We ran into the folks from The Bottletree this weekend at Pepper Place and they told us that anyone that comes in on Election Day (Tuesday, October 9) who has a) voted, and b) has an “I Voted” sticker on … Continue reading

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